Election 2024

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Biden Unleashes Withering New Trump Attack

$50M ad blitz puts the focus on former president as a 'convicted criminal'

(Newser) - After Hunter Biden was convicted, some pundits wondered whether it would make President Biden less likely to go after Donald Trump on that front. A $50 million ad campaign rolling out Monday suggests the answer is no.
  • Brutal ad: The Biden campaign released a "Character Matters" ad that gets

Dislike of Both Candidates Reaches Historic Level

Pew survey shows one-fourth of voters aren't satisfied with either

(Newser) - One-fourth Americans have unfavorable views of both President Biden and Donald Trump, Pew Research data show—the highest level of any of the past 10 presidential elections. The share has almost doubled since the 2020 election, making this fall's contest "the most dreaded election in modern political history,...

Dems Are Running With Trump's Milwaukee Comment

Billboard campaign highlights 'horrible city' jab, while Trump says he loves the city

(Newser) - Donald Trump was quoted as calling Milwaukee a "horrible city" in remarks to Republican lawmakers Thursday, and Democrats want to make sure Milwaukeeans know about it. The Democratic National Committee is launching 10 billboards around the city with Trump's face and the all-caps quote, "Milwaukee, where we...

Trump Has a Birthday He'd Prefer to Ignore

'You just want to pretend the day doesn't exist,' he says of No. 78 on Friday

(Newser) - When Donald Trump visited Capitol Hill on Thursday, House Republicans serenaded him with a round of "Happy Birthday," after which he told them: "There's a certain point at which you don't want to hear 'Happy Birthday.' You just want to pretend the day...

$4.6M in Campaign Funds Went to Trump Businesses

Trump properties, aviation company collected millions for transportation, facilities use

(Newser) - Nearly $5 million donated to former President Trump's 2024 presidential campaign went to his business empire, financial records show. Trump's businesses collected $4.6 million in campaign money through payments for food, transportation, and facilities, Forbes reports, citing Federal Election Commission records. Some $4.2 million went to...

Candidate Walks Off Georgia Debate Stage After Statement

Chuck Hand, who was convicted of taking part in the Capitol riot, is running for Congress

(Newser) - A televised congressional debate in Georgia didn't go as planned Sunday when one of the two candidates abruptly walked off stage after his opening remarks, reports the Hill . "This is where I get back in my truck and head back to southwest Georgia, because I got two races...

New Poll Raises a Crucial Question About the Race

Most Biden voters now say opposing Trump is top factor, says CBS/YouGov survey; is it enough to sway the race?

(Newser) - Donald Trump's felony conviction doesn't appear to be moving the needle much in either direction when it comes to voter sentiment. A new national poll from CBS News and YouGov finds that it ranks far below other "major factors" including the economy (81%), inflation (75%), the state...

Trump Is Vetting These 8 People as Possible Running Mates

Half of them are senators

(Newser) - Donald Trump appears to be zeroing in on a running mate. The presumptive Republican presidential nominee's campaign has requested vetting documents from eight people, sources tell the Washington Post : GOP Sens. Marco Rubio, JD Vance, Tom Cotton, and Tim Scott; North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum; Republican Reps. Elise Stefanik...

Trump, RNC Now Promote Voting by Mail
Trump Flops on Voting by Mail

Trump Flops on Voting by Mail

He urges supporters to 'vote any way possible'

(Newser) - "You know mail-in voting is largely corrupt," Donald Trump told a rally last month. But the Republican presidential candidate can't win without votes, and he's thought better of that stance. His team has joined with the Republican National Committee to launch a campaign encouraging supporters to...

Candidate Who Died in April Wins Primary

Donald Payne Jr. died after filing deadline passed, and was running unopposed

(Newser) - Rep. Donald Payne Jr. died in April , but that didn't stop him from winning New Jersey's Democratic primary for his onetime House of Representatives seat Tuesday. Payne had been running for re-election unopposed when he died at age 65, and the filing deadline for the primary passed before...

4 States, DC Hold Presidential Primaries
Biden, Trump Win
Final Primaries

Biden, Trump Win Final Primaries

Primaries set up tough Senate fights in NJ, Montana

(Newser) - Four states and Washington, DC held presidential primaries on Tuesday, the last date in the process apart from the June 8 Democratic caucuses in Guam and the US Virgin Islands.
  • The AP called New Jersey for President Biden soon after polls closed at 8pm Eastern. Trump won the state's

Half of Independents Say Trump Should Drop Out: Poll

Majority of registered voters endorse guilty verdict

(Newser) - A poll conducted the day after Donald Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts in New York found majority support for the verdict, with almost half of independent voters wanting the former president to drop out of the presidential race. The Morning Consult poll measured sentiment among registered voters on...

One in 10 Republicans Less Likely to Vote for Trump

New poll finds some dissatisfaction after former president's guilty verdicts

(Newser) - All eyes are on Republican voters after Donald Trump was found guilty this week of 34 felony charges related to his hush-money trial . According to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll , the bloom is coming off the rose for some on the former president. In the survey of 2,500-plus adults nationwide...

Polls Hint at Worrisome News for Biden on Young Voters

President has lost big ground among Gen Z, millennials from 2020, per NPR survey

(Newser) - Young voters flocked to Team Biden in 2020 in droves, giving Joe Biden a 20-point lead over Donald Trump among the 18-to-29 set. That doesn't seem to be the case this time around, with a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll showing the current president and former president in a statistical...

Trump Aide to Hogan: 'You Just Ended Your Campaign'

Chris LaCivita slams Republican Senate candidate for saying, 'Respect the verdict'

(Newser) - For allies of Donald Trump, "respect the verdict" appears to be the new "Biden won the election." After Trump was found guilty of 34 felonies on Thursday, a senior Trump adviser quickly went after former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan on that front, Axios reports.
  • "Regardless of

Eager Donors Crashed Trump Fundraising Page: Campaign

Former president could raise millions off his guilty verdict

(Newser) - Donald Trump and his allies used the former president's historic conviction on 34 felony counts as an opportunity to remind followers to vote for him in November—and, at least according to the campaign, his followers do indeed seem to be rallying to his side. The Trump campaign's...

What's Next in the Trump Case
Next for Trump: Sentencing

Next for Trump: Sentencing

Judge could impose probation or prison time

(Newser) - The jury in Donald Trump's hush-money trial has been dismissed, and the case moves to the next phase. Because the crimes are nonviolent, experts say Trump is unlikely to be detained before sentencing. Here's what's ahead:
  • Sentencing: Judge Juan Merchan scheduled Trump's sentencing for 10am July

Kennedy Campaign Claims CNN Debate Will Be Illegal

In complaint to FEC, campaign argues that Biden, Trump colluded with network to keep him off the stage

(Newser) - After President Biden and former President Trump agreed earlier this month to hold two debates, Robert F. Kennedy accused the candidates of colluding against him. The independent candidate has now made the complaint official with a Federal Election Commission filing. His campaign alleges that the Biden and Trump campaigns illegally...

Libertarians Name Their Candidate
Name Their

Libertarians Name Their Candidate

Party picks Chase Oliver over Trump and Kennedy

(Newser) - The Libertarians have chosen their 2024 nominee, and his name isn't Trump or Kennedy. Instead, the party chose Chase Oliver—a former Democrat from Georgia who describes himself as "armed and gay," reports the New York Times . Donald Trump, who spoke to the convention Saturday night and...

Trump Hints at Role for Haley in Future Administration

Ice seems to be thawing as ex-president says, 'I think she's going to be on our team'

(Newser) - Nikki Haley announced on Wednesday that, despite their differences, she'd be voting for Donald Trump in November. It's not entirely clear if the two have completely buried the hatchet, but the former president cracked that door open a little more after a rally on Thursday afternoon in the...

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