Robert Draper

3 Stories

Rumsfeld Denies He Put Bible in Briefings

GQ writer, anonymous sources better suited to gossip beat, he says

(Newser) - Donald Rumsfeld didn't decorate the president’s World Intelligence Update cover slides with biblical quotes, a spokesman says, and GQ reporter Robert Draper should've known better than to use anonymous sources "with an axe to grind." The slides, the spokesman says in an email to Marc Ambinder...

How Revolving Narratives Swamped Would-Be Narrator

McCain's move from tactic to tactic resulted in confused overall strategy

(Newser) - John McCain’s campaign has gone through a dizzying number of narratives, as Robert Draper outlines in the New York Times. Draper looks inside a dysfunctional operation driven by two quarreling old McCain friends (Rick Davis and speechwriter Mark Salter), and the Rovian outsider who reconciled them (Steve Schmidt). The...

What's Next for Bush?
What's Next for Bush?

What's Next for Bush?

'Dead Certain' includes 6 hours of one-on-one interviews with the prez

(Newser) - President Bush is fixated on how history will remember him, a new book about his presidency will reveal Tuesday. Bush was initially coy with journalist Robert Draper, but he finally capitulated to six hour-long interviews in which he slowly lets his guard down. "I've got God's shoulder to cry...

3 Stories