
4 Stories

Exurbs, Once Meccas for Homeowners, Now for Rent

Economy trumps plans for thriving communities

(Newser) - Not long ago, the exurbs were were among the fastest-growing parts of the country, drawing people seeking to own affordable homes on sizable pieces of property. But after waves of foreclosures and soaring unemployment, more and more people are turning to renting. Renting keeps landlords afloat, but it also drives...

Democrats See On-Edge Exurbs as Election Key
Democrats See On-Edge Exurbs as Election Key

Democrats See On-Edge Exurbs as Election Key

Economic unease, shifting demographics sap GOP strength

(Newser) - Economic anxiety may give Democrats a chance to advance into traditionally Republican outer suburbs this year, the Washington Post reports. In many key states, especially Virginia, the downturn and housing-market meltdown have severed the outer edges of metropolitan areas from the GOP. Largely centrist voters in exurban Virginia have driven...

Energy Prices Hammer Suburban Housing Market

Reversing trend, buyers look to stay near city center

(Newser) - The soaring cost of energy has started the buck the half-century-old trend of migration to suburbs and exurbs, the New York Times reports. The cost of reaching a far-off home, let alone heating and cooling it, is becoming untenable for many. From Atlanta and Philadelphia to San Francisco and Minneapolis,...

Housing Woes May Take Toll on GOP
Housing Woes May Take Toll
on GOP

Housing Woes May Take Toll on GOP

As foreclosures mount in exurbs, Republican voters shift allegiances

(Newser) - Having played a central role in the GOP’s 2004 organizing success, America's exurbs are swinging to the left as a result of the housing crunch, the LA Times reports. With sliding home prices and soaring foreclosure rates, voters in high-growth counties across the country are growing anxious and turning...

4 Stories