
3 Stories

Media on 'Alternative Facts': 'We've Gone Full Orwell'

Reporters react to White House's first presser: 'These are not normal times'

(Newser) - Dan Rather has been in the news business for longer than most of Donald Trump's aides have been alive and he says the weekend's goings-on were like nothing he has seen before. In a Facebook post , the former CBS anchor slams adviser Kellyanne Conway for the "Orwellian"...

Propaganda Alert: Don't Call Drone Strikes 'Surgical'

They are anything but precise and clean, says Conor Friedersdorf

(Newser) - "Surgical" is the White House's adjective of choice in describing its drone strikes in Pakistan and around the world. But Conor Friedersdorf, writing in the Atlantic , thinks he has two better words: "Orwellian propaganda." "Surgical" makes you think of precision, like an operation, with drone...

Thomas the Tank Engine Is Sexist: Prof
Thomas the Tank Engine
Is Sexist: Prof

Thomas the Tank Engine Is Sexist: Prof

Show OK for kids to watch, just tell them about Orwellian overtones

(Newser) - Not that you shouldn’t let your kids watch Thomas the Tank Engine or anything, but the show exhibits a “conservative political ideology” that “sidelines” female characters and discourages individuality. At least that’s the opinion of a Canadian political scientist who undertook a study of the classic...

3 Stories