Huckleberry Finn

3 Stories

Wiping N-Word From Huck Finn Just Doesn't Work
Wiping N-Word From
Huck Finn Just Doesn't Work

Wiping N-Word From Huck Finn Just Doesn't Work

Cord Jefferson outlines three reasons why a replacement doesn't work

(Newser) - A new, school-friendly edition of Huck Finn is set to be published sans its 219 instances of the word "n-----." Writing for Good , Cord Jefferson calls the censorship "silly," and argues that inserting "slave" as a "one-size-fits-all remedy" for "n-----" actually doesn't work....

New Huck Finn Edition Will Remove 'N-Word'

Twain scholar says it's necessary to keep the book available to students

(Newser) - A Twain scholar in Alabama is taking a controversial approach to making Huckleberry Finn available to more students: Removing the 219 instances of the word "n-----" in a new volume to be released by NewSouth Books. In its place will be the word "slave," reports Publishers Weekly...

Today's Tom Sawyer Would Be Medicated

He and Huck would be diagnosed with all kinds of disorders

(Newser) - Reread Huckleberry Finn today, and just try to keep track of the disorders Huck and Tom Sawyer would be diagnosed with as kids today: oppositional defiant disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and conduct disorder right off the bat, writes Anne Applebaum in the Washington Post . It's "weirdly reassuring,"...

3 Stories