Jessica Williams

2 Stories

Forbes Writer to Daily Show: 'Food Stamps Are Cruel'

John Tamny: People don't like being 'reliant' on others

(Newser) - On last night's Daily Show , correspondent Jessica Williams looked into food stamps' rapidly shrinking funding. The program is dwindling exactly as it should be, according to Forbes columnist John Tamny , though maybe not for the reasons you'd think. Tamny told Williams that he thinks "food stamps are...

Daily Show: NYPD Should 'Stop, Frisk' Wall Street

'I can say that—some of my best friends are white men in suits,' says Jessica Williams

(Newser) - The Daily Show took a judge's ruling that the NYPD's stop-and-frisk policy is unconstitutional this week ("Good news," says host John Oliver, "if you happen to be a minority who likes walking") as an opportunity to rip into the practice. But correspondent Jessica Williams...

2 Stories