intelligence tests

5 Stories

Teen IQs Can Change Dramatically
 Your IQ Can Change 
 Dramatically—Up or Down 

Your IQ Can Change Dramatically—Up or Down

...during the teenage years

(Newser) - IQ levels, long thought to remain relatively stable throughout a person's lifetime, can actually change dramatically—up or down—during the teenage years, according to a new study. Researchers tested teens at 14 and again just before they turned 18, and found that close to a third of them...

'Intelligence Genes' Continue to Puzzle Scientists

There may be at least 1,000 of them

(Newser) - Scientists who hunt for "intelligence genes" used to think there were fewer than half a dozen of them. But in recent years, they determined there may be at least 1,000—each with just a tiny effect on the differences in people's IQ. A study released today found...

A Smarty Pants Has Better Sperm: Study

(Newser) - Men of higher intelligence are likely to produce better sperm, and not because they make smarter lifestyle choices, a new study says. British researchers have found a link between the sperm quality and intelligence of 425 ex-US soldiers, regardless of their age and lifestyle. "This does not mean that...

C-E-R-T-A-I-N Scrabble Winners
 C-E-R-T-A-I-N Scrabble Winners

C-E-R-T-A-I-N Scrabble Winners

ZQFMGB not included

(Newser) - Sure, Bart Simpson could fake it at Scrabble—but for those of us playing against a wit sharper than Homer's, here are some gems Mental Floss magazine dug up that actually mean something:
  • Cwm: A valley created by glacial shifts.
  • Adz: An axe-like woodworking tool.
  • Xu: The currency of Vietnam.

Mental Exercises Boost Brain Power, Study Says

Researchers in field of memory call it a breakthrough

(Newser) - Psychological research has long supported the conclusion that training on cognitive tasks doesn’t result in intelligence gains that transfer to other tasks—ie, memorizing long strings of numbers doesn’t help learning long strings of letters. But researchers say they've made a long-sought breakthrough that could lead to better...

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