
3 Stories

How Did Humans Conquer 'Roof of the World'? Barley

Ancient, hardy seeds turn up in Tibet 3.6K years ago

(Newser) - Scientists know that humans were kicking around the lower altitudes of the Tibetan Peninsula around 10,000 years ago. Permanent settlements, however, didn't show up in the harsh higher altitudes until 3,600 years ago. What happened that allowed ancient settlers to survive in a region nicknamed the "...

Farmers Have Bad News for Beer Drinkers

Malt-barley shortage will send prices up

(Newser) - There's been way too much water falling on America's chief malt-barley-producing states, which is bad news for people who like to drink something a little stronger. Wet weather in Idaho, North Dakota, and Montana has caused a lot of barley to germinate early, meaning it won't be...

To the Suds-Lover With Everything, Give Space Beer

Brew's grains related to barley that grew in space station

(Newser) - At a loss for what to get that beer connoisseur on your list? How about suds from space? Yep, Sapporo’s Space Barley brew contains grains related to those that spent five months aboard the International Space Station, and can be yours for just $110 a six-pack. The catch, though,...

3 Stories
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