al-Jazeera America

2 Stories

Hey, America, Figure Out What the World Thinks of You

'Guardian' columnist thinks nation should pay attention

(Newser) - Well, it looks like DC lawmakers will pull off an 11th-hour rescue to avoid an embarrassing debt-ceiling lapse, so calamity averted? Not quite, writes Timothy Garton Ash in the UK's Guardian . "Politically, in the eyes of the world, the 'full faith and credit' of the US has...

Big Day for News? Al Jazeera America Is Here

New channel plans to keep it serious

(Newser) - Al Jazeera America launches this afternoon, and while some analysts believe the channel's entry to cable line-ups is a development as important as the launch of CNN or the Fox News Channel, others wonder if the new channel and its formula of serious, in-depth news will ever be able...

2 Stories