West Point

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Biden Alludes to Trump at West Point Graduation

President tells cadets their oath binds them to protect the Constitution

(Newser) - President Biden praised the new graduates of the US Military Academy as "guardians of American democracy" on Saturday in a commencement address that clearly referred to Donald Trump without naming him. The president reminded the cadets that their oath is to "not a political party, not to a...

For $10K, They Got Sensitive Data on 50K Service Members

Researchers highlight potential for blackmail through sale of data for cheap

(Newser) - Personal information about active-duty US service members, from their net worth to the names of their children, is easy to buy online for as little as 12 cents per member, according to a new study. As former CIA officer Jeff Asher tells NBC News , "information on people that you...

Race-in-Admissions Battle Shifts to West Point

Group sues to end Supreme Court's exception to its June ruling for service academies

(Newser) - When Chief Justice John Roberts wrote this summer in the Supreme Court decision against including race as a factor in college admissions that the ruling did not apply to military academies, the winning side noticed. On Tuesday, Students for Fair Admissions sued the US Military Academy at West Point in...

West Point's Time Capsule Is a Bust
West Point's
Time Capsule
Wasn't a Total Bust

West Point's Time Capsule Wasn't a Total Bust

The lead box buried 200 years ago actually did hold more than mud

(Newser) - The nearly 200-year-old West Point time capsule that appeared to be a total dud when it was opened on Monday turned out to hold some treasure after all. As the AP puts it, "It was just more hidden than expected." West Point on Wednesday revealed that within the...

Harris Has a First at West Point
Harris Has a First at West Point

Harris Has a First at West Point

Vice president welcomes graduates to 'unsettled world'

(Newser) - Vice President Kamala Harris, the first woman to deliver a commencement speech at West Point, lauded graduating cadets Saturday for their noble sacrifice in serving their country, but cautioned that they were entering an "unsettled world" because of Russian aggression and the rising threats from China. "The world...

West Point to Yank Robert E. Lee
West Point to
Yank Robert E. Lee

West Point to Yank Robert E. Lee

Portrait, bust will quietly be put in storage

(Newser) - Robert E. Lee was a noted West Point alumnus and served as its superintendent before he commanded the Confederate army during the Civil War, but his alma mater is using the current holiday break to scrub itself of his presence. As the Hill reports, the United States Military Academy is...

Midshipmen Take Prank Tradition to New Heights

Leaflet drops have been deployed ahead of the 123rd Army-Navy football game

(Newser) - Airborne leaflet drops are a timeworn form of psychological warfare dating back to the World War I era. More recently, Ukrainian forces have spread leaflets via helicopter and artillery shells instructing Russian troops on how to surrender. Per CNN Business , several midshipmen from the US Naval Academy deployed the tactic...

West Point Plaque Includes Nod to the KKK

A naming commission appointed by Congress suggests the Pentagon get rid of it

(Newser) - West Point cadets themselves may not realize it, but for decades they have passed by a plaque that includes a hooded figure and the words "Ku Klux Klan" on their way into a science building, reports USA Today . Now, a special panel appointed by Congress is encouraging the Pentagon...

Spring Break Goes Badly for West Point Cadets

7 people were hospitalized in Fort Lauderdale after ODing on powdery substance laced with fentanyl

(Newser) - Spring break in Fort Lauderdale didn't end well for one group this week, with seven people hospitalized after ODing on fentanyl, several of them confirmed to be West Point cadets. Police say that Fort Lauderdale Fire Rescue responded to a call at a vacation rental home in Wilton Manors...

West Point Cadets Fail to Get Navy's Goat

They made off with retired Navy mascot instead of the current Bill

(Newser) - A top-secret mission involving West Point cadets went wrong over the weekend when they kidnapped the wrong goat. In what Dave Philipps at the New York Times calls a "Bay of Pigs-style embarrassment," US Military Academy cadets trying to carry on the long, but officially banned, tradition of...

Cadets Assured They're Ready for Anything

Defense secretary tells West Point graduates the threats include cyber weapons and pandemics

(Newser) - Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told US Military Academy cadets Saturday they were graduating during "exceptionally tough circumstances," but that West Point prepared them to face the extraordinary threats ahead and the ones already here. Austin spoke to about 1,000 cadets becoming Army second lieutenants in a ceremony...

West Point Reveals Biggest Cheating Scandal in Decades

Academy argues the honor code remains intact, and the offending cadets will be punished

(Newser) - Cheating on a math test at the US Military Academy, which is facing its worst cheating scandal in more than 40 years, can be a national security issue, a West Point law professor says. "There's no excuse for cheating when the fundamental code for cadets is that they...

Army-Navy Game: This Hasn't Happened in 77 Years

West Point will host the game due to coronavirus restrictions

(Newser) - The "Army-Navy" game is returning to West Point. For the first time in nearly eight decades, the revered football matchup will be played Saturday at West Point's Michie Stadium, Fox News reports. The move away from Philadelphia was prompted by coronavirus restrictions in Pennsylvania that limit the number...

Day Before 74th Birthday, Concerns About Trump's Health

President appears to move gingerly, needs 2 hands to lift water glass

(Newser) - The day before his 74th birthday, President Trump walked down a ramp and took a sip of water in ways that raised some eyebrows, reports Newsweek . While at West Point on Saturday to give the commencement speech, Trump walked rather gingerly down a ramp, prompting concerns about his health. The...

Trump at West Point: 'We Will Only Fight to Win'

The president also vows to 'vanquish the virus'

(Newser) - President Trump dismissed "the passions and prejudices of the moment" and promised to "vanquish the virus" in his Saturday commencement speech at West Point—where roughly 1,100 graduates were socially distanced 6 feet apart at Plain Parade Field in New York, CNN reports. "This premier military...

In a First, West Point Class Includes a Sikh Woman

Anmol Narang is receiving a degree in nuclear engineering

(Newser) - The US Military Academy at West Point will make history Saturday when it graduates the first Sikh woman to successfully complete the path to a four-year degree. Second Lt. Anmol Narang is a second-generation immigrant born and raised in Roswell, Georgia, the AP reports. She did a year of undergraduate...

West Point Says Graduation Ceremony Is Going Ahead

Trump will be the commencement speaker

(Newser) - The US Military Academy at West Point has confirmed that this year's graduation will go ahead, with graduates present and President Trump as the commencement speaker—but it's not sure how big the ceremony will be. The academy in New York state said the event, which has been...

He Got Addicted at West Point, Now Owes the US $330K
He Got Addicted at West Point,
Now Owes the US $330K
in case you missed it

He Got Addicted at West Point, Now Owes the US $330K

Football player Jared Rogers' opioid story raises larger questions about Army views on addiction

(Newser) - The temperature was around zero when the West Point football team took to the practice field early on the morning of March 4, 2014. So cold that defensive back Jared Rogers ended up with frostbite in his fingers. After a few days in the hospital, medical records show he left...

Cadets Were Just Playing 'the Circle Game,' Service Academies Find

Investigation clears Army-Navy spectators of making white power gestures

(Newser) - West Point has decided that cadets attending the Army-Navy football game last weekend did not intend to flash white power hand gestures. But the Military Academy is still not thrilled. An investigation found that the cadets were playing "the circle game," usually played by children and teenagers. In...

Missing West Point Cadet Found Dead
Missing West Point
Cadet Found Dead

Missing West Point Cadet Found Dead

Kade Kurita, 20, hadn't been seen since Friday

(Newser) - West Point cadet Kade Kurita didn't show up to a military skills competition Friday night, and he'd been missing ever since. On Tuesday night, the 20-year-old's body was found on the grounds of the New York military academy, CBS News reports. The Gardena, Calif., native's cause...

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