flying car

9 Stories

Flying Cars Are Now Legal in This State

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz signs legislation making flying cars legal on state roads

(Newser) - If you've long dreamed of living life like the Jetsons, complete with flying cars, Minnesota might be the perfect destination. KFGO reports that Gov. Tim Walz has signed off on a transportation bill supported on both sides of the aisle that includes language on the use of "roadable...

Electric 'Flying Car' Gets Key Permit From FAA

Joby Aviation aims to launch flying taxi service in 2025

(Newser) - The Jetsons was set in 2062, but a vehicle George Jetson might be comfortable taking his kids to school in could be here a lot sooner. Joby Aviation, a key player in the eVTOL— electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicle—market, has received Federal Aviation Administration to begin flight testing...

Tesla Rival's Flying Car Makes Its Maiden Flight

Xpeng's X3 was unveiled late last month, but it's got competition

(Newser) - A Chinese electric-vehicle manufacturer that's considered a Tesla rival has driven its first flying car out of the garage and into the sky, and its unveiling is spurring buzz across the eVToL (electric vertical takeoff and landing) landscape. NPR reports that Xpeng held its annual Tech Day on Oct....

Uber Wants to Beat Traffic With Flying Taxis
Soon You Could
Hail a Flying Uber

Soon You Could Hail a Flying Uber

Ride-sharing company unveils futuristic flying taxis it wants to start testing by 2020

(Newser) - Commuters of the future could get some relief from congested roads if Uber's plans for flying taxis work out. The ride-hailing service unveiled Wednesday an impression of the sleek, futuristic machine it hopes to start using for demonstration flights in 2020. The company aims to have its first paying...

Google Co-Founder's Flying Car Takes Off

Kitty Hawk Flyer will be available later this year

(Newser) - Airbus' flying car might have competition. Kitty Hawk, a Silicon Valley startup named for the location of the Wright brothers' first controlled flight and backed by Google co-founder Larry Page, has revealed its flying car prototype and says buyers will be able to get their hands on a similar design...

Airbus Says Flying Car Will Be Tested by End of Year

But first it has to figure out how to keep it from crashing into things

(Newser) - The future is now! Or, at least, by the end of the year, according to the CEO of Airbus. Reuters reports Tom Enders announced Monday that the company plans to test a prototype self-piloting flying car by the end of the year. He says Airbus has the "technological wherewithal"...

History of Flying Cars a Perilous One

But Terrafugia hopes to change all that

(Newser) - Terrafugia has gotten plenty of press since completing an eight-minute test flight last month, and the company plans to sell the two-seat Transition for $279,000 if it wins regulatory approval next year— it says it already has around 100 pre-orders . The fact that a flying car could become a...

100 People Ready to Buy $279K Flying Car

 100 People Ready to 
 Buy $279K Flying Car 
in case you missed it

100 People Ready to Buy $279K Flying Car

Terrafugia's Transition completes first flight

(Newser) - Meet George Jetson: Terrafugia yesterday announced that its prototype flying car has completed its first flight, bringing the company, based in Woburn, Mass., closer to its goal of selling the flying car within the next year. The vehicle—dubbed the Transition —has two seats, four wheels, and wings that...

FAA OKs Flying Car
 FAA OKs Flying Car 

FAA OKs Flying Car

Drive it right to the runway

(Newser) - Move over, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. The FAA has approved a small plane that can also double as a car. Drivers can zip down the road in the two-seat Terrafugia Transition, wings folded, at a respectable 30 miles per gallon. Upon arrival at an airport, the " roadable light sport...

9 Stories