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National Zoo Is Getting Visitors
Panda Diplomacy Returns

Panda Diplomacy Returns

China is sending 2 young giant pandas to the National Zoo later this year

(Newser) - The National Zoo won't have to wait long to refill its panda habitat, reports the Washington Post , with the zoo announcing that China is sending two young pandas to DC later this year. The pair of 2-year-olds are female Qing Bao ("green" and "treasure" in Mandarin) and...

Chimp Has Been Carrying Dead Infant for 3 Months

Possible mourning ritual observed at Spain's Bioparc Valencia

(Newser) - A chimpanzee born at a zoo in Valencia, Spain, survived only two weeks before dying in February. Three months later, the infant's decomposing body remains in its enclosure at Bioparc Valencia with no current plan to remove it, despite the alarm caused to visitors. That's because the infant'...

Costa Rica Finally Does Away With Public Zoos

Its final 2 state zoos have closed

(Newser) - "Captivity is only justified when animals cannot return to the forest for either physical or behavioral problems that prevent them from living in freedom"—a stance that obviously clashes with the concept of a zoo. It's Costa Rica's stance, with that line said in a Saturday...

Is It a Panda or a Dog? Zoo Says It's a 'Panda Dog'

Painted dogs at Chinese zoo inspire no small amount of controversy

(Newser) - A zoo in China has come under fire for painting dogs to look like giant pandas and making visitors pay to see them. The fluffy black and white Chow Chows appear in an exhibit that opened at the Taizhou Zoo in Jiangsu province this month with a cover charge of...

Zoo Ostrich Dies After Swiping, Swallowing Keys

'Beloved' 5-year-old Karen euthanized at Kansas' Topeka Zoo

(Newser) - Curiosity killed the cat, and it proved fatal for the ostrich. A "beloved" ostrich at a zoo in Kansas died Thursday after reaching outside her enclosure, grabbing a staff member's keys, then immediately swallowing them, NBC News reports. Karen the ostrich, dubbed the "dancing queen" at Kansas'...

Baby Giraffe Found Dead With Broken Neck at Zoo Miami

Staff says it's possible something startled the animal

(Newser) - Another giraffe has lost its life in an accident that resulted in a broken neck, this time a baby giraffe at Zoo Miami. The giraffe, born Dec. 15, was found by the zoo's staff Saturday morning, spokesperson Ron Magill said. "Because the event that led to this...

Sign of a US-China Thaw: a New Panda Promise

China plans to send 2 new pandas to the San Diego Zoo

(Newser) - China plans to send a new pair of giant pandas to the San Diego Zoo, renewing its long-standing gesture of friendship toward the United States after nearly all the iconic bears on loan to US zoos were returned as relations began to sour between the two nations. San Diego Zoo...

Zoo's Alligator Had 70 Coins in His Stomach
Zoo's Alligator Had
$7 in His Belly

Zoo's Alligator Had $7 in His Belly

Thibodaux of Nebraska's Henry Doorly Zoo is now a bit lighter

(Newser) - A zoo alligator was carrying around quite a bit of extra weight until a stomach procedure to remove 70 US coins. The 36-year-old American alligator named Thibodaux, an "iconic" resident of Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha, Nebraska, due to the leucism that causes his white coloration, was undergoing routine...

Lonely Giraffe Heads Out on Road in Search of Sun, Pals

Benito sets out for a new zoo after outcry from animal rights activists

(Newser) - A giraffe named Benito started a 40-hour road trip Monday to leave behind the cold and loneliness of Mexico's northern border city of Ciudad Juarez to find warmth—and maybe a mate—in his new home 1,200 miles to the south, the AP reports. A campaign by animal...

After Giraffe's Tumble, an 'Incredibly Difficult Decision'

Ferrell, 15, euthanized after dislocating jaw, which couldn't be repaired, per Dallas Zoo

(Newser) - A 15-year-old male giraffe was euthanized at the Dallas Zoo on Sunday after suffering an accident that hindered his ability to eat. The zoo said the giraffe, Ferrell, had an "unexpected fall in the barn" late on Friday. While examining Ferrell, veterinarians found he had dislocated his jaw "...

'World's Saddest Elephant' Dies After Decades of Isolation

Mali was the only elephant in the Philippines for decades

(Newser) - An elephant that animal rights activists called the "world's saddest" has died in Manila, where she was the only elephant in the zoo—and the country. Manila Mayor Honey Lacuna announced the death of the female Asian elephant on Wednesday, CBS News reports. Mali—short for Vishwa Ma'...

Zoo Mourns Elephant Death After Dog Causes Stir at Zoo

Rani, 27, collapsed after others became distressed

(Newser) - An Asian elephant at the St. Louis Zoo has died after becoming agitated when a loose dog in the area apparently caused distress in other elephants. Rani, 27, had been at the zoo since 2001, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports. "We are absolutely devastated," zoo Director Michael Macek...

Zoo: We've 'Never Experienced an Accident Like This'

Mila, a Siberian tiger at Colorado's Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, suffered injury under anesthesia

(Newser) - There are thought to be roughly 1,000 Siberian tigers in the world, the majority of those held in captivity. Now, there's one fewer. A critically endangered Siberian tiger held at a Colorado zoo died in a "freak accident" Friday during preparations for a dental procedure, ABC News...

Zoo Accused of Being 'One of the Worst' Is No More

South Carolina's Waccatee Zoo has been shuttered as part of a settlement with PETA

(Newser) - Three months ago, PETA removed nine animals from what it called "one of the worst roadside zoos in America." Now, that venue has been shut down for good. The animal rights group has reached a settlement with the Waccatee Zoo, located in South Carolina's Myrtle Beach area,...

Zoo Denies Its Bears Are Humans in Disguise

Video of sun bear at Chinese zoo sparked rumors

(Newser) - A zoo in China is pushing back against rumors that its sun bears are humans in bear costumes. Some zoos in China have been accused of trickery including painting donkeys to look like zebras, but the Hangzhou Zoo says its bears are the real thing, the AP reports. Rumors spread...

Surprise! Zoo Gorilla, Thought to Be Male, Births Baby

Columbus Zoo keepers were surprised to find Sully holding a newborn

(Newser) - For five years, the Columbus Zoo has believed one of its western lowland gorillas, Sully, was a male. On Thursday, the zoo found out in a very surprising way that it's been wrong this whole time—when zookeepers found 8-year-old Sully holding her newborn baby girl, UPI reports. As...

Philadelphia Zoo Investigates Mysterious Meerkat Deaths

Officials say there was unknown toxin in dye

(Newser) - The Philadelphia Zoo says it is trying to figure out why a dye regularly used to identify animals killed five meerkats last week. Rachel Metz, the zoo's vice president of animal well-being, says the meerkats were exposed to an unknown toxin in the Nyanzol-D agricultural dye, which it has...

New Zealand Loses It Over Miami Zoo's Handling of a Kiwi

'We have offended a nation,' the zoo admitted

(Newser) - Don't underestimate New Zealanders' love for the kiwi bird—or how fiercely they'll respond to the perceived mistreatment of it. And mistreatment is what they say occurred at Zoo Miami, which houses a kiwi named Paora. Though kiwis are "reclusive and nocturnal," per the Guardian , videos...

Zoo Decides to Hire 'Human Seagull Deterrents'

Gig pays $13.50 an hour

(Newser) - "We don’t think there is a country on earth that hasn’t been talking about our vacancy for a human seagull deterrent," wrote England's Blackpool Zoo on Twitter last week, and that chatter hasn't ceased. It's all thanks to the Lancashire zoo's decision...

Zoo Volunteer Allegedly Stole Baby Gator—20 Years Ago

Tewa is back home after theft was uncovered in Central Texas, authorities say

(Newser) - An alligator, stolen as an egg or hatchling from a Texas zoo two decades ago, is back in the first home she knew. The 8-foot alligator named Tewa was returned to Animal World & Snake Farm Zoo in New Braunfels on Friday, months after she was located on rural property...

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