Nikki Haley

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Trump Hints at Role for Haley in Future Administration

Ice seems to be thawing as ex-president says, 'I think she's going to be on our team'

(Newser) - Nikki Haley announced on Wednesday that, despite their differences, she'd be voting for Donald Trump in November. It's not entirely clear if the two have completely buried the hatchet, but the former president cracked that door open a little more after a rally on Thursday afternoon in the...

Trump Throws Cold Water on Haley-for-VP Report
It Won't Be Haley, Trump Says

It Won't Be Haley, Trump Says

But GOP candidate wishes vanquished rival, who's still pulling votes, well

(Newser) - For a moment, it appeared Nikki Haley had a shot at joining the Republican 2024 ticket. Axios reported as much on Friday. But Donald Trump ended that storyline with a Truth Social post the next day, USA Today reports. "Nikki Haley is not under consideration for the VP slot,...

Nikki Haley Took Almost 22% of the Vote in Indiana

Trump's last GOP rival dropped out more than 2 months ago

(Newser) - Nikki Haley had another relatively strong showing in a Republican primary Tuesday, despite having dropped out of the race more than two months ago. According to DecisionDeskHQ , she had 21.7% of the vote with more than 99% of votes counted, with Donald Trump, who has already clinched the nomination,...

Christie Is a Maybe on Third-Party Bid

Christie Makes
Decision on
Third-Party Bid

Christie Makes Decision on Third-Party Bid

Former GOP presidential candidate's thumb's down may leave No Labels in a pinch

(Newser) - Despite "encouragement" to run for president as a third-party candidate, Chris Christie says no go. The former New Jersey governor said Wednesday he will not run on No Labels' proposed ticket amid obstacles including "significant ballot access and litigation expenses ... and the risk of drawing votes away from...

Haley Is Done for 2024, but It Wasn't a Waste
Haley 'Did a
Public Service'
by Running

Haley 'Did a Public Service' by Running

'Wall Street Journal' editorial board says her strong performance could set her up well for a 2028 run

(Newser) - Now that Nikki Haley has pulled out of the 2024 race, the pundits are analyzing whether she should've ever run in the first place. According to the editorial board at the Wall Street Journal , the answer seems to be a solid "yes." In an op-ed looking back...

Nikki Haley Exits but Doesn't Endorse Trump

She urges him to 'earn' the votes of her supporters: 'This is now his time for choosing'

(Newser) - Vermont wasn't enough on Super Tuesday. Nikki Haley confirmed her exit from the 2024 race on Wednesday with a brief speech in Charleston, South Carolina. Notably, she didn't endorse Donald Trump in her remarks, but she urged him to embrace the more moderate voters who backed her campaign:...

What to Know Heading Into Super Tuesday
What to Watch
on This Super Tuesday
the rundown

What to Watch on This Super Tuesday

Huge portion of delegates up for grabs as 15 states, one territory vote

(Newser) - Another Super Tuesday is upon us. Fifteen states and one US territory vote on this, the biggest voting day of the 2024 presidential primary season, and while the overall picture of what's to come is fairly predictable—President Biden and former President Trump will most likely continue what appears...

Nikki Haley Wins Her First Primary Contest

She defeats Donald Trump in Washington, DC, as expected

(Newser) - Nikki Haley has won her first primary contest of the 2024 election, defeating Donald Trump in Washington, DC, the AP reports. The victory wasn't a surprise and isn't expected to have much of an effect on the GOP race, per the Washington Post . Still, her victory at least...

Nikki Haley's Magic Number Might Be Five

Nikki Haley's
Magic Number:

Nikki Haley's Magic Number: Five?

Politico analysis: If she wins 5 states, she gets some clout at the GOP convention

(Newser) - So why is Nikki Haley still in the race? In an analysis at Politico Magazine , Henry Olsen suggests it's because she knows she can exploit one key rule of the Republican convention. If she wins a plurality in at least five states, she can have her name placed into...

For Biden and Trump, 'Serious Concerns' Out of Michigan

Both see a sizable chunk of voters withholding support

(Newser) - President Biden and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump cruised to lopsided victories in Michigan primaries on Tuesday, but "a glance under the hood of the results reveals serious concerns for both campaigns," per CNN . For Biden, it's a sizable group of Democrats protesting his administration's support...

'Defiant' Haley: Pick Trump and 'We're All Going to Go Down'

As Tuesday's Michigan primary kicks off, Trump's main GOP foe isn't backing down

(Newser) - Nikki Haley may have lost a major donor , but the Republican presidential candidate is heading into Michigan's primary on Tuesday "defiant," even in the face of a "blowout loss" to former President Trump, per the Wall Street Journal . Haley tells the paper she's continuing her...

Koch Network Delivers Bad News to Nikki Haley

Will halt spending on her campaign, though it still endorses her

(Newser) - A big Nikki Haley donor is halting spending on her presidential campaign. Americans For Prosperity Action, the political arm of the conservative group Americans for Prosperity that is backed by billionaire Charles Koch, announced the move following Haley's Saturday loss to former President Trump in the South Carolina GOP...

3 Points From Trump's Fox News Town Hall

Former POTUS once again compares his legal issues to Navalny's death

(Newser) - Donald Trump again made a comparison between his own legal troubles and the imprisonment and death of Alexei Navalny, doubling down on comments he made shortly after the Russian dissident died while jailed in a remote arctic prison. "Navalny is a very sad situation and he's very brave,...

Poll: It's All Over in South Carolina but the Voting

Trump has huge lead over Nikki Haley, as she insists she's staying in the race no matter what

(Newser) - South Carolina elected Nikki Haley governor two times, but a new poll suggests that Republican voters are not inclined to send her to the White House. Haley faces former President Trump in the Republican primary in her home state on Saturday, where she had hoped to save face after poor...

Nevada Caucuses Go Exactly as Expected

Trump won them, as well as the US Virgin Islands

(Newser) - As expected, Donald Trump won Nevada's Republican presidential caucuses Thursday after he was the only major candidate to compete, the AP reports. Nikki Haley skipped the caucuses, the only contest in Nevada that counts toward the GOP nomination. Haley cited what she considered an unfair process favoring Trump and...

Haley 'Not Going Anywhere' After Nevada Embarrassment

'I'm in this for the long haul. And this is going to be messy'

(Newser) - Nikki Haley is staying in the race for the GOP nomination despite the embarrassment of coming second to the "none of these candidates" option in Nevada's primary this week. At a campaign event in California, Haley told supporters that she planned to fight on and did not mention...

Haley, the Only Major Candidate in Nevada Primary, Loses

The primary was symbolic, awarding no delegates

(Newser) - The "none of these candidates" option has won in Nevada's symbolic Republican presidential primary contest , an embarrassing result for Nikki Haley, who was the only major candidate on the ballot, the AP reports. The former UN ambassador opted to compete in the state-run primary election Tuesday instead of...

Nikki Haley: I Need Secret Service Protection

Presidential candidate applies to federal officials for protection after 'multiple issues'

(Newser) - Nikki Haley has requested Secret Service protection as she says threats against her have increased. "We've had multiple issues," Haley told the Wall Street Journal , confirming that she had applied for the protection. "It's not going to stop me from doing what I need to...

SNL Brings On Nikki Haley
Brings On
Nikki Haley

SNL Brings On Nikki Haley

She questions Donald Trump, as played by James Austin Johnson

(Newser) - Nikki Haley made a cameo in the cold open of Saturday Night Live, where she got in some shots at Donald Trump but also was reminded of one of her own campaign gaffes. (Watch it here .) The premise was a fake CNN town hall featuring Trump, as played by...

911 Call Resulted in 'Guns Drawn' at Her Parents, Haley Says
Nikki Haley
Was Swatted
a Second Time

Nikki Haley Was Swatted a Second Time

Records show caller told 911 the candidate had shot her daughter

(Newser) - Nikki Haley was the subject of a second hoax call to 911, two days after the one she confirmed Sunday. A caller told the dispatcher on Jan. 1 that Haley had shot her daughter, who was lying in a pool of blood, per Reuters , which has seen the incident report....

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