
Read recent news stories and current events about Russia on

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46K Planes Got 'Jammed,' and Officials Have a Suspect

Report says Russia may be behind GPS interference over Baltic Sea since last August

(Newser) - Planes flying in and out of Europe, especially the eastern part of the continent near Russia, have seen their GPS signals jammed over the past year or so, and now there's a suspect: Russia. Citing an analysis by the Sun, which looked at flight logs from, the...

Russia Convicts Meta Spokesperson of Justifying Terrorism

Andy Stone, tried in absentia, receives 6 years

(Newser) - A court in Russia on Monday convicted the spokesperson of US technology company Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, of justifying terrorism and sentenced him to six years in prison in a swift trial in absentia, Russia's independent news site Mediazona reported. According to the outlet, the charges against...

Overflowing Texas Water Tower May Be a &#39;Worrisome Escalation&#39;
In Texas, an
Water Tower
Points to Russia
in case you missed it

In Texas, an Overflowing Water Tower Points to Russia

Russian hackers have claimed responsibility, in what may be nation's first attack on US water

(Newser) - A water tower in a small Texas town overflowed in January, spilling tens of thousands of gallons into the streets. Now, Google-owned cybersecurity company Mandiant says the incident in Muleshoe may be the first hack into US water systems by Russia after infiltrators tied to one of that country's...

Russia Accuses Ukraine of Massive Drone Strike

Moscow says 50 drones were shot down over 8 Russian regions, with 2 people reportedly killed

(Newser) - Ukraine launched a barrage of drones across Russia overnight, the Defense Ministry in Moscow said Saturday, in attacks that appeared to target the country's energy infrastructure. Fifty drones were shot down by air defenses over eight Russian regions, including 26 over the country's western Belgorod region close to...

Navalny Wrote a Memoir Before His Death

'Patriot' will be out in October, says his widow

(Newser) - Alexei Navalny managed to write a memoir before his death in a Russian prison earlier this year , reports Reuters . Patriot will be released in the US and other countries in October—a move described by widow Yulia Navalnaya as a final gesture of defiance against the regime of Vladimir Putin,...

Trump Has Plan to End Ukraine War. Ukraine Won't Like It

Former president wants to see Russia gain territory, limited NATO expansion: 'WaPo'

(Newser) - Donald Trump has a plan to stop the war in Ukraine, though Ukraine won't like it. The former president and presumptive Republican presidential nominee has spoken privately about his plan to pressure Ukraine to cede territory to Russia—specifically Crimea and the Donbas border region—in order to bring...

Drone Hits Nuclear Plant, Upping Risk of 'Major Accident'

Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant is under Moscow's control since Russia seized it in 2022

(Newser) - The head of the UN's atomic watchdog agency on Sunday condemned a Ukrainian drone strike on one of six nuclear reactors at the Russian-controlled Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine, saying such attacks "significantly increase the risk of a major nuclear accident." In a statement on the...

Russia-Havana Syndrome Report Met With Incredulity
Russia-Havana Syndrome
Report Met With Incredulity
the rundown

Russia-Havana Syndrome Report Met With Incredulity

This would be '25th-century technology,' says Glenn Greenwald

(Newser) - There's increasing pushback to a media investigation that traced Havana syndrome cases to a Russian intelligence unit alleged to have used secret sonic weaponry against targets around the world.
  • 'Serious problems': The investigation avoids exploring the potential technology, which is where the theory meets "serious problems,"

To Dodge Charges, He Fled US, Joined Russian Military

Wilmer Puello-Mota left the US days before trial in January

(Newser) - A former city councilor and member of the Massachusetts National Guard who fled the country in January, days before he was to be tried for child pornography in Rhode Island, has apparently defected to Russia and joined the military. Wilmer Puello-Mota, a former city councilor in Holyoke, Mass., was first...

Goalie Was Drafted in 2015, Just Made His NHL Debut

Ivan Fedotov's story got a little geo-political on his way to playing for the Flyers

(Newser) - Ivan Fedotov was drafted by the Philadelphia Flyers in 2015—which was great for the aspiring Russian goaltender, but a move made with "low expectations" on the part of the Flyers, as NPR puts it. Fedotov finally made his NHL debut with the Flyers on Monday night, some nine...

US Warning of Crocus Attack Named the Very Hall: Officials

Russia's response suggests it didn't take the caution seriously

(Newser) - More questions are being raised about Russia's response to its worst terrorist attack in decades as US officials now say they not only warned Russia of a possible attack in advance, but named the very concert venue. Hours after Sergei Naryshkin, director of Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service (FSB),...

Report: US Wasn't Only Nation to Warn Russia of Attack

Ally Iran alerted Russia days before, citing intel from interrogations, Reuters reports

(Newser) - If a warning from the US didn't get the attention of Russian security officials ahead of last month's horrifying terrorist attack in Moscow, a direct warning from Iran ought to have done. According to Reuters , Iran warned Russia of a possible "terrorist operation" in Russian territory after...

Possible Culprit in Mysterious Havana Syndrome: Unit 29155

Media investigation suggests Russian intelligence unit deployed sonic weaponry

(Newser) - Last year, the US government declared that it could find no evidence linking a foreign adversary to the mysterious ailment striking diplomats known as Havana Syndrome . A joint investigation by the Insider , CBS News , and the German outlet Der Spiegel begs to differ and points the finger at Russia:
  • The

In Slaying of Russian Defector, a Brutally 'Clear Message'

Maksim Kuzminov was shot to death in Spain earlier this year, with the Kremlin suspected

(Newser) - The New York Times has followed up on the high-profile murder of a Russian helicopter pilot who defected to Ukraine, finding that the slaying of Maksim Kuzminov has renewed fears that the Kremlin's overseas hit teams are alive and well. Among the points:
  • The two men who killed him

Latest Victim of 'Hacktivists': Russia's Prison System

Per CNN, hackers angered by Navalny death say they stole prisoner database, altered commissary prices

(Newser) - The death last month of opposition leader Alexei Navalny in a Russian penal colony shocked the world. It also apparently angered a bunch of anti-Kremlin hackers, who are now accused of swiping a Russian prisoner database in retaliation. CNN has the exclusive on this "stunning breach of security":
  • Photo

Putin&#39;s &#39;Strongman Image&#39; Takes a Hit
Putin's 'Strongman Image'
Takes a Hit

Putin's 'Strongman Image' Takes a Hit

Concert hall attack exposes his weaknesses, according to a slew of assessments

(Newser) - A theme in coverage has emerged about Vladimir Putin in the wake of Friday's concert hall massacre . The attack "threatens Putin's strongman image," per the headline at the Wall Street Journal , while one at AP says it "dents Putin's tough image," and others...

Wall Street Journal's Front Page Has a Giant Block of Space

It's in tribute to journalist Evan Gershkovich, who has now been detained for a year by Russia

(Newser) - On the one-year anniversary of the detention of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich in Russia, the newspaper has paid tribute to him in unique fashion. Friday's front page has an enormous block of white space under the headline, "His Story Should Be Here" in all caps, reports...

Putin Tries to Reassure NATO
Putin to NATO: We Won't Attack

Putin to NATO: We Won't Attack

Russian president says idea of Russian attack on NATO country is 'nonsense'

(Newser) - Russian President Vladimir Putin has again denied any intention to invade other countries in Eastern Europe, which might not provide much comfort. As Politico notes, Russian officials also denied Moscow had plans to attack Ukraine in the months before Russia's invasion of the country two years ago. Putin made...

Russian Group Linked to Princess Kate Rumors

Analysts say disinformation network helped amplify conspiracy theories about princess

(Newser) - While they definitely weren't the only ones spreading rumors about Princess Kate before she revealed her cancer diagnosis , researchers say a Russian disinformation group helped spread conspiracy theories online. A team at Cardiff University in Wales detected signs that a disinformation group with a history of spreading claims about...

A Smile Amid Grim News for Detained Reporter

Russia extended Evan Gershkovich's detention another 3 months

(Newser) - The first US journalist to be held by Russia on allegations of spying since 1986 saw his pretrial detention extended for a fifth time on Tuesday. Evan Gershkovich was ordered to remain in Moscow's Lefortovo Prison until June 30; the Wall Street Journal reporter has been there since March...

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