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RFK Jr. Has Some Thoughts on Confederate Statues

Says he has 'visceral reaction' to their removal: 'Values change throughout history'

(Newser) - The destruction of a Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville, Virginia, the Confederate monument at the center of the 2017 "Unite the Right" rally, led to cheers from some and boos from others. Now, presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is weighing in on how he felt when the...

RFK Jr.: About That Worm That Ate My Brain...

Candidate denies lasting effects as 'NYT' exposes various previously unknown health issues

(Newser) - At age 70, independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has touted himself as "the model of virility" up against older, less robust rivals, per MSNBC . All the while, he's been keeping mum on his claim that, as the New York Times reports, a worm ate part of...

RFK Jr. Responds to His Family Endorsing Biden

'I love my family, either way,' presidential candidate says

(Newser) - Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Sunday acknowledged endorsements from more than a dozen of his relatives who are backing Democratic President Biden, noting that he feels no ill will over the family political divide, the AP reports. "Some of them don't like the fact that I'...

RFK Jr. Campaign Staffer Fired After Controversial Video

Rita Palma said defeating Biden was her 'No. 1 priority'

(Newser) - A staffer for Robert F. Kennedy Jr's presidential campaign has been fired after she was caught on video outlining a plan for supporters of her candidate and Donald Trump to come together with the purpose of defeating President Biden. The video of Rita Palma, which was uploaded to YouTube...

RFK Jr. Flips Again on Jan. 6: 'I Will Right Any Wrongs'

Presidential contender had earlier walked back a campaign email on 'J6 activists'

(Newser) - Last week, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s campaign walked back an email they'd sent in which the independent presidential candidate referred to "J6 activists sitting in a Washington DC jail cell stripped of their Constitutional liberties." The team blamed the insertion of that sentence on a...

Who's Worse for Democracy, Biden or Trump? RFK Jr. Picks

Independent POTUS candidate claims Biden is first president to use feds 'to censor political speech'

(Newser) - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. obviously thinks he's a better man for the Oval Office than either of his two main competitors, President Biden and former President Trump, but he made it clear during an appearance this week on CNN that he thinks one of his political foes looms more...

RFK Jr. Hopes to Gain Traction With VP Pick
RFK Jr. Makes
His VP Pick

RFK Jr. Makes His VP Pick

Kennedy selects Silicon Valley lawyer and investor Nicole Shanahan

(Newser) - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. did indeed pick attorney and entrepreneur Nicole Shanahan to be his 2024 running mate, reports CNN . Kennedy announced his pick at a rally in Oakland, California, on Tuesday. Shanahan has never before run for office. "Nicole and I both left the Democratic Party," Kennedy...

RFK Jr.'s Family Has Their Candidate, and It's Not Him

Extended Kennedy clan takes St. Paddy's Day photo with President Biden, sans RFK Jr.

(Newser) - Even if no one else votes for you, you can usually at least count on your own family to pull the lever for you on Election Day. That's no guarantee for RFK Jr., who doesn't exactly have the support for his Oval Office run from many in his...

Rodgers, Ventura Are on RFK Jr.'s VP List

But he's still considering a shortlist that also includes other possibilities

(Newser) - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has some big names in mind as potential running mates in the 2024 presidential election. Sources tell the New York Times he's approached Jesse Ventura, former Minnesota governor and pro wrestler, and Aaron Rodgers, New York Jets quarterback, and that both were receptive. Kennedy himself...

RFK Jr.: Dad, JFK Had to Allow Wiretapping of MLK

Presidential candidate says 'politically' they had to do it

(Newser) - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was defending his father and uncle's approval of the wiretapping of Martin Luther King Jr. on the eve of the holiday honoring the civil rights leader. In an interview with Politico while he was campaigning in Atlanta on Sunday, RFK Jr. explained that in his...

RFK Jr. Gets on One Ballot, Has 50 to Go

Utah is first to allow him on

(Newser) - The ballot of at least one state will feature the name of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Utah became the first state to grant the independent presidential candidate ballot access, announcing Wednesday that he met the 1,000-signature requirement before the March deadline, the Hill reports. Kennedy's campaign formally filed...

60 Years After JFK Was Shot, 'a Race Against Time'
60 Years After JFK Was
Shot, 'a Race Against Time'

60 Years After JFK Was Shot, 'a Race Against Time'

As surviving witnesses try to log their assassination accounts, conspiracy theories continue to abound

(Newser) - It's the day before Thanksgiving, and also the commemoration of another somber day in American history: the 60th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. JFK was fatally shot in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963, by Lee Harvey Oswald while riding in a motorcade with wife Jacqueline...

Man Arrested at RFK Jr.'s Home Twice in One Day: Cops
RFK Jr. Makes
New Move Against
Alleged Stalker

RFK Jr. Makes New Move Against Alleged Stalker

Independent presidential candidate files civil harassment restraining order against 28-year-old

(Newser) - Spooked by what cops say is a repeat unwanted visitor to his California home, independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has filed a civil harassment restraining order against the alleged perpetrator, per legal documents seen by the Blast . The protective order covers not only Kennedy and his properties, but...

RFK Jr's Siblings Speak Out Against Candidacy

Analysts say he could damage Biden more than Trump

(Newser) - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has abandoned his bid for the Democratic nomination to run for president as an independent —and while polls show that the anti-vaccine activist is more popular with Republicans than Democrats, analysts suspect he might take more votes away from President Biden than Donald Trump. Matt...

RFK Jr. Teases Big News: 'There Is a Path to Victory'

Democratic presidential candidate promotes big announcement on Oct. 9, perhaps a third-party run

(Newser) - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wants America to "save the date"—not for a wedding, but to "save the country." That was the message in his video released Friday, in which the 69-year-old Democratic presidential candidate teased a major announcement that appears to involve plans to run...

RFK Jr. Says He'd Sign Federal Abortion Ban, Then Does 180

2024 presidential candidate later says he misunderstood question

(Newser) - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said he'd sign a federal abortion ban if he wins the 2024 presidential election, then quickly did a 180. The Democratic presidential candidate was asked by a NBC News reporter while visiting the Iowa State Fair Sunday whether he would sign "federal protection" for...

Woody Harrelson's Apparent Pick for 2024 Proves Polarizing

'True Detective' actor appears in Instagram post with Cheryl Hines, wife of RFK Jr.

(Newser) - If you weren't sure who Woody Harrelson intends to vote for in 2024, he just offered what may be a big clue. The Daily Beast reports that the 62-year-old True Detective actor popped up in a Thursday Instagram photo with Curb Your Enthusiasm actor Cheryl Hines, the wife of...

Rogan, Musk, RFK Jr. Zero In on One Vaccine Scientist
Rogan, Musk, RFK Jr. Zero In
on One Vaccine Scientist
the rundown

Rogan, Musk, RFK Jr. Zero In on One Vaccine Scientist

Dr. Peter Hotez of Houston says he's being 'stalked'

(Newser) - Anthony Fauci has long been public enemy No. 1 in the eyes of vaccine opponents. With Fauci retired, it appears that a vaccine scientist in Houston might be assuming the unwanted role. The scientist is Dr. Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of...

Biden Has Another Primary Challenger

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Democrat and anti-vaccine activist, is running for president

(Newser) - President Biden has his second primary challenger: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is almost as well-known for his anti - vaccine activism as he is for the political dynasty of which he is a member, has filed the paperwork to run for president as a Democrat in 2024. RFK Jr....

'Dangerous' RFK Jr Keeps Slamming Vaccines

Yet people still listen to him, writes Laura Helmuth

(Newser) - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has grabbed the spotlight in his fight against vaccines, and Laura Helmuth can barely believe it. "Fascinating it is, and absolutely maddening," she writes at Slate. "And dangerous." Kennedy believes that a vaccine preservative, thimerosal, causes autism, even though one medical organization...

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