Kira Kazantsev

2 Stories

Source: Sorority Expelled Miss America for Hazing

Kira Kazantsev says she was wrongly accused

(Newser) - Kira Kazantsev was kicked out of the Alpha Phi sorority at Hofstra University last year, and it wasn't for banging plastic cups around , a source tells Jezebel . According to the source, the future Miss America and a friend were expelled from the sorority for hazing pledges, who were "...

New Miss America's Talent Involves Red Plastic Cup

Kira Kazantsev wins after non-traditional talent performance

(Newser) - Miss New York Kira Kazantsev didn't exactly showcase a traditional talent last night in Atlantic City—but she was still crowned Miss America, despite what the AP calls a social media "furor" over her performance. Kazantsev sang Pharrell Williams' hit "Happy" ... while sitting on the floor banging...

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