Ron DeSantis

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Miami Heat Wave 'Completely Off the Charts'

This is May!?

(Newser) - There's still a week left in the month, and already it's the hottest May ever recorded in Miami as gauged by the heat index—leaving residents fearing the intense heat that surely awaits in summer. Late last week, the city's National Weather Service issued a heat advisory,...

DeSantis Law Gets On-Air Rebuke From a Torqued Meteorologist

NBC Miami's Steve McLaughlin goes off on Florida for scrubbing climate change efforts from state law

(Newser) - Not everyone is happy with Gov. Ron DeSantis' latest legislation minimizing efforts to fight climate change in the state of Florida—including, apparently, Steve McLaughlin, a meteorologist for NBC Miami. McLaughlin posted a minute-long video online on Saturday talking about the new law set to take effect in July, in...

DeSantis Moves Against Climate Change Battle

Governor signs legislation to 'keep windmills off our beaches,' alters wording in state law

(Newser) - Gov. Ron DeSantis can't eliminate climate change as an issue, but he acted Wednesday to take it out of Florida government. The Republican signed legislation removing most references to climate change in state law and barring its use as a priority in setting energy policy, the Washington Post reports....

Florida's 6-Week Abortion Ban Will Be Widely Felt
Florida's 6-Week Abortion
Ban Will Be Widely Felt
the rundown

Florida's 6-Week Abortion Ban Will Be Widely Felt

The state had served those in other Southern states with strict abortion laws

(Newser) - As of Wednesday, a law banning abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, before many women know they're pregnant, took effect in Florida. As the Washington Post reports, the state went "from one with the fewest restrictions for the procedure in the South" to one where abortion is "...

Trump Wants DeSantis to Help Close Fundraising Gap: Sources

And the sources say DeSantis agreed to help

(Newser) - Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis met in Miami on Sunday, marking the first time the two former rivals for the GOP presidential nomination have spoken since DeSantis ended his campaign in January. The meeting, first reported by the Washington Post , was confirmed by several sources who spoke anonymously to the...

Deal Ends Disney's Legal Battles in Florida

Company, DeSantis allies welcome 'new chapter'

(Newser) - The long-running legal battle between Disney and allies of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is over—in the Florida courts, at least. The board of the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District, installed by DeSantis to oversee Disney's special tax district, has agreed to a settlement that will end numerous legal...

DeSantis Signs Strict Social Media Law

It bans social media accounts for under-14s, requires parental consent for under-16s

(Newser) - Florida will have one of the country's most restrictive social media bans for minors—if it withstands expected legal challenges—under a bill signed by Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday. The bill, HB3, will ban social media accounts for children under 14. Those who are 14 or...

Florida Law Bans Homeless People From Sleeping in Public

Bill signed by DeSantis this week says cities can create authorized camps if shelters are full

(Newser) - Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has signed a law banning homeless people from sleeping overnight in public places including parks and sidewalks. HB 1365 says cities and counties can set up government-run camps if shelters are full. DeSantis and other Republicans say the legislation will help provide unsheltered people with "...

Settlement Clears Up Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' Bill

Teachers can talk about sexual orientation, gender identity, just not as part of instruction

(Newser) - Students and teachers can discuss sexual orientation and gender identity in Florida classrooms, provided it's not part of instruction, under a settlement reached Monday between Florida education officials and civil rights attorneys who'd challenged a state law that critics dubbed "Don't Say Gay." The settlement...

DeSantis Rips Haley on Pledge: 'We Knew What We Were Doing'

Florida governor, other failed candidates have endorsed Trump

(Newser) - Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley clashed often enough during their campaigns for the Republican presidential nomination, and though they're both out of the running, the criticism hasn't ended. The Florida governor has called out Haley for not backing Donald Trump when she dropped out of the race , though...

Court Dumps Florida's 'Positively Dystopian' 'Stop WOKE' Law

Administration 'reviewing all options' after court rejection

(Newser) - A court has ruled that one of the signature laws of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' administration is unlawful. A federal appeals court ruled Monday that the Stop Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees (WOKE) Act, also known as the Individual Freedom Act, "exceeds the bounds of the First Amendment....

University of Florida Drops All DEI Positions

DeSantis applauds the move he'd worked toward

(Newser) - The University of Florida has shut down its diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, an administrative memo revealed on Friday, in response to new state restrictions on the use of funding. The memo says the school closed the Office of the Chief Diversity Officer, "eliminated DEI positions and administrative appointments,...

DeSantis Critiques Trump's VP Search

Florida governor also keeps the door open for a 2028 run

(Newser) - Ron DeSantis told supporters of his failed presidential candidacy that he doesn't want to be vice president but hasn't ruled out seeking the top job in 2028. The Florida governor made the comments on a private video call with more than 200 backers, reports NBC News , which has...

Disney's Florida Suit Is Tossed
Disney's Florida Suit Is Tossed

Disney's Florida Suit Is Tossed

Company suggests it will appeal ruling in First Amendment case

(Newser) - A federal judge threw out Disney's First Amendment lawsuit against Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday, finding that the company doesn't have legal standing to bring the case against the governor and the secretary of the state's Commerce Department. And the suit against members of the board...

DeSantis in 2028? There's a Problem
in 2028?
a Problem

DeSantis in 2028? There's a Problem

And that problem is 'DeSantis himself,' writes one observer, one of many to dissect the campaign

(Newser) - Ron DeSantis is out , and the post-mortems are in. (They actually began before the Florida governor dropped his 2024 bid.) A sampling from Monday morning:
  • "The conventional wisdom is that the dream of a DeSantis presidency has merely been deferred until 2028," writes Alexander Nazaryan at the

What Haley Had to Say on DeSantis' Exit

'May the best woman win'

(Newser) - Following Ron DeSantis' withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race, Nikki Haley had a message for supporters: "May the best woman win." Haley told supporters who gathered at a New Hampshire restaurant for a campaign event Sunday afternoon the news of DeSantis' exit, the New York Times reports. "...

DeSantis Is Planning 'Hail Mary' Effort in SC

His campaign's best hope could be beating Nikki Haley in her own state

(Newser) - With little hope of following up his second-place finish in the Iowa caucuses with second place in Tuesday's New Hampshire primary, Ron DeSantis is aiming to push Nikki Haley into third place in her home state. Sources tell the New York Times that after DeSantis lost to Trump by...

Nikki Haley: I'll Debate Again Under One Condition

Trump or Biden have to be there, too

(Newser) - There won't be another debate featuring Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis alone. Haley, one of only three Republican candidates remaining in the 2024 race as of Tuesday , says she will participate in future debates only if they feature former President Trump, the GOP frontrunner who easily won Monday's...

'Third Place Is Not Good,' DeSantis Official Admits

But campaign insists Iowa polls are wrong

(Newser) - Ron DeSantis has vowed to stay in the race no matter what happens in the Iowa caucuses, but some of his backers are braced for bad results. The Florida governor ran what the Des Moines Register calls "an old-school Iowa Caucus campaign" after his campaign launch in May, holding...

Ramaswamy to Run Debate Ad Telling You Debate Is 'S---'

Only Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis will take the stage for Wednesday night's CNN debate

(Newser) - Republican presidential candidates Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis will go mano-a-mano on the CNN debate stage at 9pm ET Wednesday night. Fellow candidate Vivek Ramaswamy won't be there—and he hopes you'll stay away too. Fox News reports Ramaswamy will air an ad during the debate that calls...

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