Generation Z

10 Stories

Teenage Employment Is Making a Comeback

Rate is rising after decades of decline

(Newser) - Teen jobs are making a comeback. A decades-long decline in teen employment that accelerated after the turn of the century is being reversed by Generation Z, and the share of teens working or looking for work recently hit a 14-year high of 38%, Axios reports. That's still a long...

About Half of US Parents Still Paying for Adult Kids

Survey finds working parents give twice as much to adult children as to retirement savings

(Newser) - Parents who financially support adult children are in the norm. Nearly half of US parents—47%—financially support an adult child in some way, according to a new survey conducted by . As housing and food costs have risen, the likelihood of a young person moving out on their...

There's Been a Big Shift in Young Adults' Views on Alcohol
Kids These Days Have Very
Different Opinions on Booze
in case you missed it

Kids These Days Have Very Different Opinions on Booze

More than half of millennials, Gen Z now view moderate drinking as harmful, per Gallup poll

(Newser) - A greater share of Americans than ever before believes drinking in moderation is unhealthy. In a Gallup poll released Thursday, 39% of 1,015 adults across the US surveyed during the month of July say moderate drinking—consuming one to two drinks per day—is bad for one's health,...

The #LazyGirlJob Trend Could Backfire on Gen Z
The #LazyGirlJob Trend
Could Backfire on Gen Z

The #LazyGirlJob Trend Could Backfire on Gen Z

Flexible, remote jobs are likely to be among the first cut, writes Megan McArdle

(Newser) - The idea behind the viral TikTok trend #lazygirljob, touted by influencer Gabrielle Judge and others, is to find a low-stress, extremely flexible, remote job that pays the bills while allowing for a decent work-life balance. The trend isn't specific to women. It's "the latest iteration of 20-...

More US Adults Than Ever Before ID as LGBTQ
Oldest Generation Warms
to LGBTQ Identification

Oldest Generation Warms to LGBTQ Identification

Slight uptick among those born before 1946, as overall rate among US adults hits 7.2%

(Newser) - The percentage of Americans who identify as LGBTQ has increased ever so slightly for a new record high, but has ultimately "leveled off," according to Gallup's 2022 polling of more than 10,000 adults. Some 7.2% of Americans identify as non-heterosexual, for a 0.1% increase...

First Gen Z Candidate Is Likely Headed to Congress

Maxwell Frost wins primary in solidly Democratic Florida district

(Newser) - The US has its first Gen Z winner of a congressional primary, NPR reports. Maxwell Frost, a progressive activist, is at 25 just old enough to serve in the House of Representatives, and he won the Democratic primary to do so in a solidly blue district in Orlando, Fla., meaning...

Behind Labor Shortage Are Health Issues

As pandemic patience wears thin, survey finds concerns keep people out of job market

(Newser) - Pushing the economic levers available to the federal government might not be enough to solve the job market's problems. There's evidence that physical and mental health issues are a major cause of the nation's labor shortage, Axios reports. A survey of 5,000 Americans by McKinsey found...

He Knows Birds Are Real. His Movement Says They Aren't

Birds Aren't Real founder Peter McIndoe on the 'safe space' he's created for Gen Z

(Newser) - Have you ever seen a baby pigeon? No? It's probably because birds aren't real but rather government drones used to spy on you and steal your information. That's according to the Birds Aren't Real movement, and a movement it is: hundreds of thousands of young people...

Teens Rank 9 Biggest Threats to Their Generation
Teens Rank the
9 Biggest Threats
They Are Facing
in case you missed it

Teens Rank the 9 Biggest Threats They Are Facing

Climate change fails to make the top 5

(Newser) - Teenagers are perhaps less concerned with climate change than you might think, ranking it sixth in a list of the nine greatest threats to their generation, according to a new Washington Post -Ipsos poll. The national survey of 1,349 teens aged 14 to 18, conducted online in May and...

10% of US Young Adults Think Jews Caused the Holocaust
10% of US Young Adults Think
Jews Caused the Holocaust

10% of US Young Adults Think Jews Caused the Holocaust

Survey results cast as 'shocking,' 'astounding'

(Newser) - Nearly two-thirds of young adults in America don't know about the Holocaust, the greatest crime of the last century, which some fear could be repeated. That's according to a survey of 11,000 adults ages 18 to 39. Some 23% said they believed the Holocaust was exaggerated, a...

10 Stories