Nikki Haley 2024

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Nikki Haley: 'Embryos, to Me, Are Babies'

University of Alabama suspends IVF treatments after court ruling

(Newser) - Nikki Haley on Wednesday addressed a state ruling that considers frozen embryos created through in-vitro fertilization to be humans, saying, "Embryos, to me, are babies." The Republican presidential candidate made the comments in an interview with NBC News . The ruling by the Alabama Supreme Court has caused concern...

3 Points From Trump's Fox News Town Hall

Former POTUS once again compares his legal issues to Navalny's death

(Newser) - Donald Trump again made a comparison between his own legal troubles and the imprisonment and death of Alexei Navalny, doubling down on comments he made shortly after the Russian dissident died while jailed in a remote arctic prison. "Navalny is a very sad situation and he's very brave,...

Poll: It's All Over in South Carolina but the Voting

Trump has huge lead over Nikki Haley, as she insists she's staying in the race no matter what

(Newser) - South Carolina elected Nikki Haley governor two times, but a new poll suggests that Republican voters are not inclined to send her to the White House. Haley faces former President Trump in the Republican primary in her home state on Saturday, where she had hoped to save face after poor...

Trump Makes First Comments on Navalny
Trump Makes
First Comments
on Navalny

Trump Makes First Comments on Navalny

He draws a comparison to his legal trouble in the US, doesn't mention Putin

(Newser) - President Trump on Monday addressed for the first time the death of Alexei Navalny in a Russian prison, though he didn't mention Vladimir Putin, unlike his main 2024 rivals. Instead, the former president drew a parallel to his own legal problems, reports the Hill :
  • "The sudden death of

Trump on Haley: 'Where's Her Husband?'

Campaign takes personal turn in South Carolina, as Haley fires back about spouse serving overseas

(Newser) - Donald Trump and Nikki Haley both campaigned in the latter's home turf of South Carolina on Saturday, and the race swerved toward the personal. The former president questioned the absence of Haley's husband on the campaign trail—Maj. Michael Haley is serving overseas with the National Guard—and...

Nevada Caucuses Go Exactly as Expected

Trump won them, as well as the US Virgin Islands

(Newser) - As expected, Donald Trump won Nevada's Republican presidential caucuses Thursday after he was the only major candidate to compete, the AP reports. Nikki Haley skipped the caucuses, the only contest in Nevada that counts toward the GOP nomination. Haley cited what she considered an unfair process favoring Trump and...

Haley 'Not Going Anywhere' After Nevada Embarrassment

'I'm in this for the long haul. And this is going to be messy'

(Newser) - Nikki Haley is staying in the race for the GOP nomination despite the embarrassment of coming second to the "none of these candidates" option in Nevada's primary this week. At a campaign event in California, Haley told supporters that she planned to fight on and did not mention...

Haley, the Only Major Candidate in Nevada Primary, Loses

The primary was symbolic, awarding no delegates

(Newser) - The "none of these candidates" option has won in Nevada's symbolic Republican presidential primary contest , an embarrassing result for Nikki Haley, who was the only major candidate on the ballot, the AP reports. The former UN ambassador opted to compete in the state-run primary election Tuesday instead of...

Nikki Haley: I Need Secret Service Protection

Presidential candidate applies to federal officials for protection after 'multiple issues'

(Newser) - Nikki Haley has requested Secret Service protection as she says threats against her have increased. "We've had multiple issues," Haley told the Wall Street Journal , confirming that she had applied for the protection. "It's not going to stop me from doing what I need to...

SNL Brings On Nikki Haley
Brings On
Nikki Haley

SNL Brings On Nikki Haley

She questions Donald Trump, as played by James Austin Johnson

(Newser) - Nikki Haley made a cameo in the cold open of Saturday Night Live, where she got in some shots at Donald Trump but also was reminded of one of her own campaign gaffes. (Watch it here .) The premise was a fake CNN town hall featuring Trump, as played by...

Poll: Nikki Haley Is in Trouble in Her Home State

Trump has 26-point lead in South Carolina

(Newser) - Nikki Haley has a lot of ground to make up if she's going to have any hope of winning the Republican primary in the state she governed for eight years, according to a Washington Post /Monmouth University poll . The survey of 815 potential GOP primary voters in South Carolina...

Texas Has the Right to Secede, Haley Says
Haley Figures
Texas Can Secede

Haley Figures Texas Can Secede

'That's their decision to make,' former governor says

(Newser) - Nikki Haley returned to the subject of secession on Wednesday, saying Texas has the right to leave the union if it wants to. The Republican presidential candidate—whose campaign lines include "We have a country to save," per CBS News —made the comments in an appearance on...

Haley Calls Trump 'Totally Unhinged'

Tension continues between two GOP presidential candidates after Trump demands Haley drop out

(Newser) - Earlier this week, presidential contender Donald Trump informed fellow Republicans that they'll become persona non grata if they dare to donate to his remaining major GOP opponent, Nikki Haley—in short, they'll be "permanently barred from the MAGA camp" if they do so. On Friday, Haley scoffed...

Liz Cheney: 'History Will Judge' Trump Backers

He's an 'existential threat' to the country, says former rep, who does not rule out a third-party run

(Newser) - A vocal critic of former President Trump is backing Nikki Haley's plans to stay in the GOP primary race through Super Tuesday . Liz Cheney said she's "working to defeat [Trump] at every step of the way" during an episode of "Pod Save America" to air Friday,...

Trump Issues Warning to Haley Donors

He claims they'll be 'permanently barred from the MAGA camp'

(Newser) - Former President Trump is warning Republicans against donating to opponent Nikki Haley, whom he's dubbed "birdbrain." On Truth Social Wednesday, Trump said "anybody that makes a 'Contribution' to Birdbrain, from this moment forth, will be permanently barred from the MAGA camp," per the Hill...

Trump Nomination Once Seemed 'Untenable,' Now Inevitable

Former president's win in New Hampshire primary suggests he's a shoo-in for 2024 general

(Newser) - The New Hampshire primary results came in quickly Tuesday, with the AP calling the GOP race for Donald Trump as soon as the polls closed. The former president's main contender, ex-South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, vowed she's not dropping out yet, but Zeeshan Aleem writes for MSNBC that...

Trump Wins New Hampshire, Haley Insists Race Isn't Over

AP called the race as soon as polls closed

(Newser) - This story has been updated throughout with the latest details. Donald Trump has won the New Hampshire primary over Nikki Haley, reports the AP . The outlet called the race as soon as the final polls closed at 8pm Eastern on Tuesday. Many saw the first-in-the-nation primary as do-or-die for Haley,...

Trump 'Doesn't Care' If Haley Drops Out

She might get a boost from high turnout from independents in NH primary

(Newser) - Nikky Haley swept the midnight vote in Dixville Notch as voting got underway in New Hampshire, but Donald Trump is predicting a "big loss" for his rival in the rest of the state. At a rally Tuesday, Trump said Haley wasn't a threat to his campaign, the Guardian...

Election Oddity: Biden Camp Rooting for Trump in NH

Axios reports they want him to lock up nomination and thus energize Democrats

(Newser) - Updated with comments from the Haley campaign. Primary day has arrived in New Hampshire, and it's widely been depicted as do-or-die for Nikki Haley if she's to have any hope of defeating Donald Trump for the GOP nomination. However, Haley's campaign made clear on Tuesday that she...

Poll Suggests a Big Day for Trump
Poll Suggests
a Big Day
for Trump

Poll Suggests a Big Day for Trump

DeSantis supporters seem more likely to switch to former president

(Newser) - Donald Trump leads Nikki Haley by 19 points in New Hampshire, a poll released the day before the state's presidential primary shows. The survey of 500 likely Republican primary voters was conducted Saturday and Sunday by the Boston Globe/NBC-10/Suffolk University poll, the Hill reports. The breakdown showed the former...

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