Joe Biden

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Polls Hint at Worrisome News for Biden on Young Voters

President has lost big ground among Gen Z, millennials from 2020, per NPR survey

(Newser) - Young voters flocked to Team Biden in 2020 in droves, giving Joe Biden a 20-point lead over Donald Trump among the 18-to-29 set. That doesn't seem to be the case this time around, with a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll showing the current president and former president in a statistical...

Mitt Romney: It Was a Mistake for Biden Not to Pardon Trump

Though perhaps not for the reason you might think

(Newser) - Mitt Romney thinks President Biden should have pardoned Donald Trump—but not because the Republican senator from Utah has any particular love for Trump. "[Biden] should have fought like crazy to keep this prosecution from going forward. It was a win-win for Donald Trump," Romney said in an...

Biden Issues 'Most Direct' Warning Yet to Israel

If Israel goes into Rafah, 'I'm not supplying the weapons,' president says

(Newser) - Following Monday's news of a "shot across the bow" by the US when it—for the first known time since the start of the Israel-Hamas war—paused an arms transfer to Israel, comes a big line from President Biden. "I made it clear that if they go...

Biden's Young Dems Problem: 'They're Leaving in Droves'

President is getting pushback from junior members of his own party over Gaza deaths, Israel support

(Newser) - With the 2024 election just over six months away, President Biden is working with two big thorns in his side that threaten to damage his reelection bid: Israel's continued war against Hamas in Gaza, and the subsequent campus protests that are roiling colleges and universities across the US. Axios...

Trump Has 6-Point Lead in National Poll

Though in three key states, he and Biden are about even

(Newser) - A new national poll by CNN has Donald Trump six points ahead of President Biden when the two are placed in a hypothetical head-to-head contest, with the support of 49% of registered voters compared to Biden's 43%. Those numbers have held basically steady since CNN's last national poll...

Biden Wins Another Primary
Biden Wins
Another Primary

Biden Wins Another Primary

Biden wins in Puerto Rico, where Trump previously won the GOP primary

(Newser) - President Biden won the Democratic presidential primary Sunday in the US territory of Puerto Rico, the AP reports. Puerto Rico was authorized to open only a dozen voting centers this year compared with more than 100 in previous years given recent austerity measures imposed by a federal control board that...

Qatar Pressures Israel, Hamas as Biden Lobbies Netanyahu

Ceasefire talks have broken down, mediator says

(Newser) - President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel spoke on Sunday about reaching a ceasefire agreement under which Hamas would release hostages. US officials said Biden again warned against attacking Rafah in southern Gaza, the New York Times reports, adding that the president reiterated his "clear position....

RFK Jr. Responds to His Family Endorsing Biden

'I love my family, either way,' presidential candidate says

(Newser) - Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Sunday acknowledged endorsements from more than a dozen of his relatives who are backing Democratic President Biden, noting that he feels no ill will over the family political divide, the AP reports. "Some of them don't like the fact that I'...

Here's How Much Bidens Paid in Taxes Last Year

Their annual tax return is out

(Newser) - The Bidens marked Tax Day on Monday by releasing their latest annual tax return, which revealed that last year the president and first lady earned an adjusted gross income of $619,976 and paid $146,629 in federal income tax. Their Delaware state income tax bill was $30,908, and...

Ohio Will Need to Tweak Its Law to Get Biden on the Ballot

Otherwise he could miss the deadline, the state's election office says

(Newser) - President Biden could be left off the ballot in Ohio this fall unless the state's Republican-dominated legislature creates an exception to the ballot deadline or the Democratic Party moves up its convention, according to the office that oversees the state's elections. Ohio's deadline to certify presidential candidates...

Journalists Reprimanded for Stealing From Air Force One
Reporters Reprimanded for
Stealing From Air Force One

Reporters Reprimanded for Stealing From Air Force One

Apparently 'everyone does it'

(Newser) - Apparently quite a few things have gone missing from Air Force One—enough that Kelly O'Donnell, NBC correspondent and president of the White House Correspondents' Association, recently issued a stern reminder to colleagues that they're not allowed to take items off the aircraft—and that if they do,...

Who's Worse for Democracy, Biden or Trump? RFK Jr. Picks

Independent POTUS candidate claims Biden is first president to use feds 'to censor political speech'

(Newser) - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. obviously thinks he's a better man for the Oval Office than either of his two main competitors, President Biden and former President Trump, but he made it clear during an appearance this week on CNN that he thinks one of his political foes looms more...

Trump Causes a Ruckus With Biden Clip

Video reportedly shot on Long Island featured graphic on back of truck showing a hog-tied Biden

(Newser) - Donald Trump headed to Long Island on Thursday to attend the wake of NYPD officer Jonathan Diller, who was shot Monday in Queens during a traffic stop. But it was a video of a pickup truck that he apparently spotted during his travels and shared online that's earning him...

Obama, Clinton, Celebs Help Biden Raise a Record $26M

Former presidents, other big names took part in fancy NYC event

(Newser) - The glitzy New York City fundraiser featuring Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and a host of other big names hauled in a record-setting $26 million-plus for President Biden's reelection campaign Thursday night, the AP reports. The mood at Radio City Music Hall was electric as Obama praised Biden's willingness...

Biden-Trump Poll 'Way Too Close to Call'

Analyst says national poll shows things are about as close as they can get

(Newser) - A new national poll reveals a presidential race that is "about as close as it can get," a polling analyst says. The Quinnipiac University poll shows President Biden edging Donald Trump 48% to 45% when the poll asked about just those two candidates. However, when the question expanded...

RFK Jr.'s Family Has Their Candidate, and It's Not Him

Extended Kennedy clan takes St. Paddy's Day photo with President Biden, sans RFK Jr.

(Newser) - Even if no one else votes for you, you can usually at least count on your own family to pull the lever for you on Election Day. That's no guarantee for RFK Jr., who doesn't exactly have the support for his Oval Office run from many in his...

Father of Marine Killed in Afghanistan Arrested at SOTU
Charges Dropped
Against SOTU Heckler

Charges Dropped Against SOTU Heckler

Steve Nikoui, father of Marine killed in Afghanistan, reportedly 'thrilled and humbled'

(Newser) - The father of a US service member killed in the 2021 bombing at Kabul's airport is no longer facing charges for heckling President Biden during the State of the Union address, per Fox News . As with other protesters, DC attorney general Brian Schwalb, a Democrat, declined to prosecute Steve...

Biden Can Stage a 'Comeback,' If He Can Sell It Better

Ezra Klein looks at what the president has to do to get his accomplishments to resonate with Americans

(Newser) - President Biden's "fiery" State of the Union address on Thursday left an impression on many, including Ezra Klein, who writes at the New York Times that "if the Joe Biden who showed up ... last week is the Joe Biden who shows up for the rest of the...

New Biden Ad Tackles Age Issue Head-On

Campaign spot touts president's age as an advantage, leaning into his experience

(Newser) - Let's be blunt: We know Joe Biden is up there in years, you know it, and most voters know it . Now, the 81-year-old president running for a second term is addressing the age issue head-on in a new ad meant to soothe concerns that he doesn't have the...

Biden's 'Uncommitted' Problem Is Growing
Biden's 'Uncommitted'
Problem Is Growing
the rundown

Biden's 'Uncommitted' Problem Is Growing

Minnesota in particular registered a sizable protest vote over his support of Israel on Super Tuesday

(Newser) - If President Biden thought Michigan's sizable "uncommitted" protest vote in the state's primary last month was a fluke, he learned otherwise on Super Tuesday. In Minnesota, for example, about 19% of voters checked the "uncommitted" option, largely in protest of Biden's support of Israel in...

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