President Biden

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Noem Changes Subject to Biden's Dog

Governor who killed her family's pet suggests Commander should be next

(Newser) - Whataboutism may have reached a new level Sunday when Kristi Noem, who's under fire after writing about once killing a family dog she found troublesome, tried to change the subject to President Biden's bite-happy German shepherd. "Joe Biden's dog has attacked 24 Secret Service people,"...

Biden Refers to Japan, an Ally, as &#39;Xenophobic&#39;
Japan, India Take Issue
With Biden Comments

Japan, India Take Issue With Biden Comments

Aide says president was trying to endorse US history of accepting immigrants

(Newser) - Japan and India on Saturday rebutted President Biden's assessment of them as "xenophobic" countries unwelcoming to immigrants. A Japanese official who declined to be named said Biden misunderstands the US ally's policies, the AP reports, while adding that the government understands the president was trying to stress...

Biden's Young Dems Problem: 'They're Leaving in Droves'

President is getting pushback from junior members of his own party over Gaza deaths, Israel support

(Newser) - With the 2024 election just over six months away, President Biden is working with two big thorns in his side that threaten to damage his reelection bid: Israel's continued war against Hamas in Gaza, and the subsequent campus protests that are roiling colleges and universities across the US. Axios...

19 Get the Presidential Medal of Freedom Today

Biden will honor politicians, activists, athletes, and more

(Newser) - Clarence B. Jones says he thought a prankster was on the line when he answered the phone and heard the caller say they were from the White House. "I said, 'Is this a joke or is this serious?'" Jones recalled. The caller swore that President Biden wanted...

Biden Speaks Out on Student Protests

'Order must prevail,' he says

(Newser) - "Dissent is essential for democracy. But dissent must never lead to disorder," President Biden said Thursday in his latest remarks on the protests against the war in Gaza that have erupted at dozens of universities across the country. The New York Times reports that Biden "tried to...

317K People See Their Student Loans Erased

Former students of the for-profit Art Institutes see loans canceled, payments refunded

(Newser) - The Biden administration on Wednesday said it will cancel $6 billion in student loans for people who attended the Art Institutes, a system of for-profit colleges that closed the last of its campuses in 2023 amid accusations of fraud. Saying the chain lured students with "pervasive" lies, the Education...

Trump Has 6-Point Lead in National Poll

Though in three key states, he and Biden are about even

(Newser) - A new national poll by CNN has Donald Trump six points ahead of President Biden when the two are placed in a hypothetical head-to-head contest, with the support of 49% of registered voters compared to Biden's 43%. Those numbers have held basically steady since CNN's last national poll...

Biden&#39;s Strolls to Marine One Are a Bit Different These Days
Biden's Strolls to
Marine One Are
a Bit Different
These Days
in case you missed it

Biden's Strolls to Marine One Are a Bit Different These Days

Axios reports president now walks on South Lawn with aides around him, to distract from his gait

(Newser) - Conservative outlets closely follow President Biden's every move , seeking signs to show the commander in chief's age in a negative light. There now seems to be a new strategy by the Biden camp for dealing with that: Don't let him walk to Marine One alone. The president...

5 Biden Jokes From Correspondents' Dinner

President, media attend annual event, amid Gaza protests

(Newser) - President Biden, members of the media, and celebs attended the annual White House correspondents' dinner Saturday, though they had to make their way through protests about the Gaza war to get there. Some of Biden's jokes and related news:
  • Biden I: "The 2024 election is in full swing.

Biden Administration Stalls FDA Ban on Menthol Cigarettes

White House officials have been meeting with opponents of the rule ahead of the election

(Newser) - For the second time in recent months, President Biden's administration has delayed a sweeping plan to ban menthol cigarettes, a decision that is certain to infuriate anti-smoking advocates but could avoid angering Black voters ahead of November elections. In a statement Friday, Biden's top health official gave no...

Biden Has a Big Problem With Younger Voters
Biden Has a Big Problem
With Younger Voters

Biden Has a Big Problem With Younger Voters

David Brooks is worried about lack of enthusiasm, potential trouble at convention

(Newser) - David Brooks says he still thinks President Biden is the Democrats' strongest candidate for president, but he's getting more pessimistic about his chances of beating Donald Trump in November. For starters, Brooks writes at the New York Times , many voters simply prefer Republicans "on key issues like inflation...

Biden Makes It Official: TikTok Must Be Sold or Banned

He signs $95B war aid measure that includes provision regarding China-owned site

(Newser) - President Biden signed into law on Wednesday a $95 billion war aid measure that includes assistance for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan and that also has a provision that would force social media site TikTok to be sold or be banned in the US . The announcement marks an end to a...

Columbia Encampment Is Staying&mdash;for Now
Columbia Encampment
Is Staying—for Now
the rundown

Columbia Encampment Is Staying—for Now

Negotiations extended for 2 days after 'important progress' made

(Newser) - Columbia University gave student protesters until midnight Tuesday to agree to dismantle the pro-Palestinian encampment on campus. Shortly after that deadline passed, student protesters said they abandoned negotiations when school officials threatened to unleash the National Guard. But around 3am, Columbia said negotiations had been extended for 48 hours after...

Biden's Cannibal Claim Offends an Ally

Papua New Guinea's PM not a fan of associating his country with cannibalism

(Newser) - The leader of Papua New Guinea has accused President Biden of disparaging the South Pacific island nation by implying that an uncle of the US president had been eaten by "cannibals" there during World War II. The president spoke at a Pennsylvania war memorial last week about his Army...

$7B in Solar Power Grants Unveiled on Earth Day

Projects will include more than 900K households

(Newser) - President Biden is marking Earth Day by announcing $7 billion in federal grants for residential solar projects serving 900,000-plus households in low- and middle-income communities. He also plans to expand his New Deal-style American Climate Corps green jobs training program. The grants are being awarded by the Environmental Protection...

RFK Jr. Responds to His Family Endorsing Biden

'I love my family, either way,' presidential candidate says

(Newser) - Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Sunday acknowledged endorsements from more than a dozen of his relatives who are backing Democratic President Biden, noting that he feels no ill will over the family political divide, the AP reports. "Some of them don't like the fact that I'...

Dem Puts GOP's Dawdling Over Foreign Aid on Blast

Rep. Rosa DeLauro accuses lawmakers of 'diddling around' while 'people are dying' in fiery speech

(Newser) - "Let's not sugarcoat what is going on here," the top Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee said Thursday before launching into a fiery speech in regards to the ongoing foreign aid debate, blasting Republicans for following the whims of former President Trump, whom she blamed in part...

Poll Finds Concern on Climate Change Rising

Awareness of Inflation Reduction Act's green provisions isn't high, possibly a problem for Biden

(Newser) - Like many Americans, Ron Theusch is becoming more worried about climate change. A resident of Alden, Minnesota, Theusch has noticed increasingly dry and mild winters punctuated by short periods of severe cold—symptoms of a warming planet. As he thinks about that, future generations are on his mind, the AP...

Biden Issues Warning Over Iran Attack on Israel

The US and UK have now hit Iran with sanctions

(Newser) - The US and UK on Thursday imposed a new round of sanctions on Iran as concern grows that Tehran's unprecedented attack on Israel could fuel a wider war in the Middle East, per the AP . The US Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control targeted 16...

Biden's Remarks on Uncle's WWII Death Conflict With Records

He claims he was shot down and might have been eaten by cannibals

(Newser) - President Biden misstated key details about his uncle's death in World War II as he honored the man's wartime service on Wednesday and said Donald Trump was unworthy of serving as commander in chief. While in Pittsburgh, Biden spoke about his uncle, 2nd Lt. Ambrose J. Finnegan Jr....

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