President Biden 2024

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Half of Independents Say Trump Should Drop Out: Poll

Majority of registered voters endorse guilty verdict

(Newser) - A poll conducted the day after Donald Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts in New York found majority support for the verdict, with almost half of independent voters wanting the former president to drop out of the presidential race. The Morning Consult poll measured sentiment among registered voters on...

One in 10 Republicans Less Likely to Vote for Trump

New poll finds some dissatisfaction after former president's guilty verdicts

(Newser) - All eyes are on Republican voters after Donald Trump was found guilty this week of 34 felony charges related to his hush-money trial . According to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll , the bloom is coming off the rose for some on the former president. In the survey of 2,500-plus adults nationwide...

Polls Hint at Worrisome News for Biden on Young Voters

President has lost big ground among Gen Z, millennials from 2020, per NPR survey

(Newser) - Young voters flocked to Team Biden in 2020 in droves, giving Joe Biden a 20-point lead over Donald Trump among the 18-to-29 set. That doesn't seem to be the case this time around, with a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll showing the current president and former president in a statistical...

Biden Campaign Shows Up Outside Trump Trial

After De Niro spoke, Trump staffers slammed him as a 'washed-up actor'

(Newser) - President Biden's campaign showed up outside Donald Trump's New York City criminal hush-money trial Tuesday with actor Robert De Niro and a pair of former police officers in an effort to refocus the presidential race on the former president's role in the Capitol attack. It was a...

Biden Scores a Win in Idaho
Biden Scores a Win in Idaho

Biden Scores a Win in Idaho

He's selected as nominee in Democratic caucuses

(Newser) - Idaho Democrats on Thursday selected Joe Biden as their their nominee for the White House, giving the president more delegates after he already clinched his party's 2024 nomination, the AP reports. Biden won the state Democratic caucus with 95% of the vote in a low-turnout election with just over...

To Be Sure Biden's on Ballot, DeWine Calls Special Session

'This is ridiculous,' Ohio's Republican governor says

(Newser) - Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, a Republican, said Thursday that he is calling a rare special session of the General Assembly next week to pass legislation ensuring that President Biden is on the state's 2024 ballot. The special session was called for Tuesday, the AP reports. "Ohio is running...

Nikki Haley Is No Longer Noncommittal About November

Biden campaign says it's happy to take her supporters

(Newser) - Having taken a couple of months to think about it, Nikki Haley has decided that she'll vote for Donald Trump in November. She immediately softened her criticism of the Republican candidate who beat her in the primaries; while running against him, Haley called Trump "unhinged." On Wednesday,...

Biden, Trump Dump Debate Commission
Biden, Trump Dump
Debate Commission

Biden, Trump Dump Debate Commission

Candidates agree to their own debates in June and September, accept an offer from CNN

(Newser) - President Biden and former President Trump are apparently ready to verbally rumble—without the assistance of the Commission on Presidential Debates, which has been overseeing presidential debates since the late 1980s. As Politico reports, team Biden proposed two debates, one in June and another in September, with both to be...

A Small Fraction of Voters to Decide the 2024 Winner

In one view, '6% of voters in just 6 states'

(Newser) - The election is six months away, and a new national poll has some unsurprising news: President Biden and former President Trump are deadlocked at 37% each, reports USA Today . Its poll with Suffolk University also found that 8% back Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and another 5% back a third-party candidate...

Biden's Young Dems Problem: 'They're Leaving in Droves'

President is getting pushback from junior members of his own party over Gaza deaths, Israel support

(Newser) - With the 2024 election just over six months away, President Biden is working with two big thorns in his side that threaten to damage his reelection bid: Israel's continued war against Hamas in Gaza, and the subsequent campus protests that are roiling colleges and universities across the US. Axios...

Trump Has 6-Point Lead in National Poll

Though in three key states, he and Biden are about even

(Newser) - A new national poll by CNN has Donald Trump six points ahead of President Biden when the two are placed in a hypothetical head-to-head contest, with the support of 49% of registered voters compared to Biden's 43%. Those numbers have held basically steady since CNN's last national poll...

Biden Wins Another Primary
Biden Wins
Another Primary

Biden Wins Another Primary

Biden wins in Puerto Rico, where Trump previously won the GOP primary

(Newser) - President Biden won the Democratic presidential primary Sunday in the US territory of Puerto Rico, the AP reports. Puerto Rico was authorized to open only a dozen voting centers this year compared with more than 100 in previous years given recent austerity measures imposed by a federal control board that...

Biden Administration Stalls FDA Ban on Menthol Cigarettes

White House officials have been meeting with opponents of the rule ahead of the election

(Newser) - For the second time in recent months, President Biden's administration has delayed a sweeping plan to ban menthol cigarettes, a decision that is certain to infuriate anti-smoking advocates but could avoid angering Black voters ahead of November elections. In a statement Friday, Biden's top health official gave no...

Biden to Howard Stern: Yes, I'll Debate Trump

He confirms debate plan in surprise interview

(Newser) - While Donald Trump was in court on Friday, President Biden was elsewhere in Manhattan, talking to Howard Stern. The president surprised the press corps with the unscheduled stop at the SiriusXM studio, where he told Stern that he'd be "happy" to debate Trump, the Guardian reports. "I...

Non-Trump Vote Again Shows Up in Critical State

Haley tops 16% in Pennsylvania, long after leaving race

(Newser) - More than a month after ending her presidential campaign, Nikki Haley received more than 16% of the vote in the Pennsylvania Republican primary on Tuesday. The former UN ambassador had collected almost 157,000 votes with 90% of the ballots counted, the Hill reports. Donald Trump was running at better...

Pennsylvania Primaries Set Up Tough Senate Fight

Biden, Trump scored wins in battleground state

(Newser) - Tuesday was primary day in Pennsylvania and, to nobody's surprise, the AP called the Democratic and Republican races for President Biden and Donald Trump soon after polls closed at 8pm. Both men have locked up their nominations and major rivals have dropped out, though they still campaigned in the...

With RFK Jr. In the Mix, One of These Candidates Takes a Hit

New NBC News poll shows Donald Trump suffers from third-party bid more than President Biden

(Newser) - Various polls and pundits have been supporting the narrative that third-party presidential runs in the upcoming election, especially the one by independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., will prove more harmful to President Biden's reelection bid than former President Trump's. A new survey seems to be finding just...

RFK Jr. Responds to His Family Endorsing Biden

'I love my family, either way,' presidential candidate says

(Newser) - Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Sunday acknowledged endorsements from more than a dozen of his relatives who are backing Democratic President Biden, noting that he feels no ill will over the family political divide, the AP reports. "Some of them don't like the fact that I'...

Kennedys Endorse Biden Over One of Their Own

RFK Jr. makes Michigan ballot for November

(Newser) - Members of his extended family have largely shunned Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential campaign, calling it dangerous, and been supportive of President Biden's reelection. But they made their endorsement official and emphatic on Thursday, Politico reports, appearing with Biden on Thursday in Philadelphia. "We want to...

Poll Finds Concern on Climate Change Rising

Awareness of Inflation Reduction Act's green provisions isn't high, possibly a problem for Biden

(Newser) - Like many Americans, Ron Theusch is becoming more worried about climate change. A resident of Alden, Minnesota, Theusch has noticed increasingly dry and mild winters punctuated by short periods of severe cold—symptoms of a warming planet. As he thinks about that, future generations are on his mind, the AP...

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