bird flu

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Man Dies of Bird Flu Strain Never Before Seen in a Human

Mexico man had no known exposure to poultry

(Newser) - A man's death in Mexico was caused by a strain of bird flu called H5N2 that has never before been found in a human, the World Health Organization said Wednesday. The WHO said it wasn't clear how the man became infected, although H5N2 has been reported in poultry...

Bird Flu Found in Beef for First Time

USDA says it's confident meat supply is safe

(Newser) - In what the US Department of Agriculture sees as a sign that its protocols are working, bird flu has been found in beef tissue for the first time at a federally inspected meat processing plant. The virus was found in tissue from a dairy cow that had been sent to...

4.2M Chickens to Be Killed After Bird Flu Detected

Iowa egg farm outbreak is America's worst in 2 years

(Newser) - An outbreak of bird flu at an egg farm in Iowa is the state's first of the year, and the country's largest in more than two years. The state Department of Agriculture said Tuesday that bird flu was detected at a commercial egg-laying operation in northwest Iowa, the...

Another Person Diagnosed With Bird Flu

It's the 2nd US case tied to dairy cows

(Newser) - A Michigan dairy worker has been diagnosed with bird flu—the second human case associated with an outbreak in US dairy cows, the AP reports. The male worker had been in contact with cows at a farm with infected animals. He experienced mild eye symptoms and has recovered, US and...

Bird Flu Vaccines Could Be Available Within Weeks

Researchers say milk from infected cows killed more than half of farm's cats

(Newser) - If the bird flu outbreak affecting America's dairy herds starts spreading more easily to—or between—humans, large quantities of vaccines could be ready within weeks, federal health authorities said Wednesday. Officials said studies suggest two vaccines already in the national stockpile "offer good cross-protection against cattle outbreak...

USDA Is Testing Ground Beef for Bird Flu

Officials say they're confident meat supply is safe

(Newser) - The US Department of Agriculture will test ground beef for bird flu particles, though officials said Tuesday they're confident the nation's meat supply is safe. Bird flu has been found in nearly three dozen dairy herds across nine states, though analysts say tests on milk suggest the outbreak...

Milk Tests Suggest Bird Flu Outbreak Has Spread Widely

FDA says 1 in 5 samples in nationwide study had traces of virus

(Newser) - Bird flu has been confirmed in 33 dairy herds in eight states, officials say, but the results of a nationwide Food and Drug Administration analysis suggest the virus is far more widespread. In an update Thursday, the agency said inactive fragments of the virus were found in one in five...

USDA Says Dairy Cows Can't Travel Without Flu Check

Requirement on crossing state lines comes after viral fragments found in milk

(Newser) - Dairy cows can no longer cross state lines without being tested for bird flu, federal authorities said Wednesday, the day after the FDA announced that inactive viral fragments had been found in pasteurized milk. The US Department of Agriculture said dairy cows need to test negative for influenza A viruses...

Bird Flu Hits the Country's Largest Egg Producer

Cal-Maine Foods says bird flu found in chickens at Texas plant; almost 2M birds are destroyed

(Newser) - The largest producer of fresh eggs in the US said Tuesday it had temporarily halted production at a Texas plant after bird flu was found in chickens, and officials said the virus had also been detected at a poultry facility in Michigan, the AP reports. Cal-Maine Foods, based in Ridgeland,...

Texas Dairy Worker Contracts Bird Flu

It's the first human case this year as illness spreads through cattle

(Newser) - A dairy worker in Texas has contracted bird flu, and while the case appears to be a mild one, its rare nature has health officials taking notice.
  • The unidentified worker has eye inflammation as the only symptom and is being treated with the antiviral drug oseltamivir, reports CBS19 . The person

Price of Eggs Too High? Blame Bird Flu

Prices are near historic highs worldwide, though they're down from last year in the US

(Newser) - Egg prices are at near-historic highs in many parts of the world as the spring holidays approach, reflecting a market scrambled by disease, high demand, and growing costs for farmers. It's the second year in a row consumers have faced sticker shock ahead of Easter and Passover, both occasions...

Bird Flu Spreads to US Cattle, Goats
Bird Flu Spreads
to US Cattle, Goats

Bird Flu Spreads to US Cattle, Goats

Commercial milk supply is said to be safe, though, per officials

(Newser) - A week after officials in Minnesota said bird flu had been found for the first time in US livestock—specifically, goats living on a farm with infected poultry—the virus has been found to have spread to dairy cows in Texas and Kansas, per the AP . The highly pathogenic avian...

Chick-fil-A Dropping 'No Antibiotics Ever' Pledge

It will shift to 'No Antibiotics Important To Human Medicine'

(Newser) - Chick-fil-A will drop its decade-long commitment to serving antibiotic-free chicken, the fast food company announced Monday. Starting this spring, the chicken chain's "No Antibiotics Ever" pledge, launched in 2014, will shift to a "No Antibiotics Important To Human Medicine" (NAIHM) pledge, the firm said in its statement...

Bird Flu Continues to Wreak Havoc, Killing Seals Worldwide

Tens of thousands of seals, sea lions have died, and scientists aren't sure how to slow the spread

(Newser) - Avian influenza is killing tens of thousands of seals and sea lions in different corners of the world, disrupting ecosystems and flummoxing scientists who don't see a clear way to slow the devastating virus . The worldwide bird flu outbreak that began in 2020 has led to the deaths of...

'Hundreds' of Dead Seals Block Antarctic Explorer's Grave

Virus has taken a heavy toll on South Georgia's wildlife

(Newser) - Passengers who'd hoped to walk with penguins on a cruise around the Antarctic Peninsula and the island of South Georgia weren't allowed to go ashore, but they witnessed distressing scenes of animals that had been killed by a bird flu outbreak in the region. Passenger Astrid Saunders tells...

Nasty Bird Flu Hits Antarctic Mammals
An Unwanted First
in Nasty Bird Flu

An Unwanted First in Nasty Bird Flu

It's been found in sub-Antarctic animals for the first time

(Newser) - An unfortunate milestone has been logged in the continuing spread of a lethal form of bird flu, which has wreaked havoc from continent to continent since it first appeared in 2020. For the first time, the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) strain of H5N1 has been confirmed in sub-Antarctic mammals,...

Hundreds of Animal Species Hit by 'Catastrophic' Flu Strain

Elephant seals, seabirds, and now a polar bear—could humans be hit hard next with H5N1?

(Newser) - "It is catastrophic ... the largest die-off for the species, period." That's how Martin Mendez, a marine biologist with the Wildlife Conservation Society, describes to the Washington Post the fate of hundreds of elephant seals last fall in Argentina, found dead along the shore of the Valdes Peninsula....

Bird Flu's Deadly Touch Has Now Reached Polar Bears

First death in the species is reported in Alaska

(Newser) - The "unprecedented" behavior of H5N1, the highly pathogenic avian influenza that has been causing a global outbreak since 2020 , has become even more so. The New York Times reports the strain has been found in a dead polar bear in far northern Alaska. It signifies the first known case...

Nearly 1M Chickens to Be Killed Due to Bird Flu

Though in general, 2023 has not been as bad as 2022

(Newser) - Nearly 1 million chickens on a Minnesota egg farm will be slaughtered to help limit the spread of the highly contagious bird flu after it was confirmed there, officials said Monday. The US Department of Agriculture announced that the virus was found at a farm in Wright County, Minnesota, as...

France Vaccinating 64M Ducks for Very French Reason

It's a $100M effort taken in part of safeguard the country's foie gras

(Newser) - How beloved is foie gras in France? Enough that the country is planning to vaccinate 64 million ducks to protect the delicacy. The New York Times reports the effort kicked off Monday in a bid to safeguard the birds from Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, or HPAI. Reuters reports ducks are...

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