Stories 41 - 54 | << Prev 

Push to Use HPV Vaccine on Boys Stirs Debate

Is pricey STD prevention necessary?

(Newser) - Merck is pushing the FDA to approve its HPV vaccine for men, and that’s raising a whole new set of controversies, the Washington Post reports. When the human papillomavirus vaccine was originally marketed for girls, many questioned whether or not it would encourage young girls to have sex. With...

Swedes Launch Nobel Prize Bribery Probe

Drug firm accused of influencing this year's pick in medicine

(Newser) - Swedish prosecutors are investigating claims of corruption in the awarding of this year's Nobel Prize in medicine, the Toronto Star reports. German scientist Harald zur Hausen won part of the prize for discovering the link between human papilloma viruses and cervical cancer. The discovery could make a fortune for drug...

STD? Slap Your Ex With Lawsuit
STD? Slap Your Ex With Lawsuit

STD? Slap Your Ex With Lawsuit

Courts move toward holding people liable for infecting partner — even unknowingly

(Newser) - California courts are deciding a civil dispute that could change first-date conversations. A woman is suing her ex-husband for allegedly giving her HIV, though he claims to not have known he was infected at the time, MSNBC writes. The case follows successful wins in Iowa and New York by plaintiffs...

3 Virologists Share Medicine Nobel Prize

Discoverers of HIV, human papilloma virus win $1.4M award

(Newser) - The Nobel Prize for medicine was awarded today to three scientists who discovered two of the world's deadliest sexually transmitted viruses. Half the prize goes to Harald zur Hausen, a German who discovered the human papilloma virus, which causes cervical cancer in women. The other half goes to Françoise...

UK Begins Massive HPV Vaccine Campaign

12- and 13-year-old girls first targeted by program that could reach 2M by 2011

(Newser) - The UK kicked off a campaign to give 12- and 13-year-old girls the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, the Times of London reports. Schools will begin offering the shot, which is not mandatory, this week. The government estimates that it will vaccinate over 2 million girls by 2011. Beside official programs,...

HPV Triggers Throat Cancer Rise, Docs Say

Virus that causes cervical cancer may be spread via oral sex

(Newser) - Researchers believe the virus behind cervical cancer is also responsible for a rash of throat cancers, the Chicago Tribune reports. With baby boomers mainly falling victim to the disease, experts believe the rise in oral sex since the 1960s and '70s could be behind the small-scale epidemic—which could be...

HPV Linked With Lung Cancer, But Many Still Fight Vaccine

Conservatives say drug encourages teen sex

(Newser) - The human papillomavirus, or HPV, has been linked to increased risk of lung cancer, but conservatives are standing firm in opposition to the new vaccine. Parents and activists charge that Gardasil encourages promiscuous sex, ABC News reports. "If you give kids the vaccine, you're giving them a license to...

One-Quarter of Teen Girls Have STDs
of Teen Girls Have STDs

One-Quarter of Teen Girls Have STDs

Most common infection is HPV, which can cause cervical cancer

(Newser) - At least one in four teen girls in the US—that's over three million people—has a sexually transmitted disease, a new CDC study shows. By far the most common infection is the human papillomavirus, which can cause cervical cancer, the AP reports. An STD expert calls the new figures...

HPV Shot Extra Painful, Say Patients

Docs report patients fainting after stinging injection

(Newser) - Recipients of the new HPV vaccine are reporting that it's more painful than regular vaccines because not only does the needle hurt, but the vaccine itself stings as it's injected. Doctors have reported teenage girls fainting when getting the shot of Gardasil, although that may be in part because teenagers...

Pill Use Boosts Cervical Cancer Risk Slightly

Reduced incidence of other cancers offsets increase, say experts

(Newser) - A woman's risk of cervical cancer doubles after 10 years on birth control pills, a new study shows, but the risk begins to return to normal immediately after she stops taking them, the LA Times reports. The new research shows that the increase is both minor and "outweighed by...

Study: HPV Test Better Than Pap Smear

Detects 40% more pre-cancers than traditional exam

(Newser) - Women over 30 might be better off getting an HPV test than a pap smear to fight the battle against cervical cancer, a new study concludes. Researchers found that the HPV test caught 94% of cervical pre-cancers, versus the pap smear's 55% success rate. Worries that the more sensitive HPV...

Tobacco Used in Cancer Vaccine
Tobacco Used in Cancer Vaccine

Tobacco Used in Cancer Vaccine

Scientists who developed HPV vaccine work on a cheaper version—±±

(Newser) - The same researchers who developed Gardasil—the vaccine that can prevent cervical cancer—have genetically engineered tobacco plants to produce a cheaper version of the vaccine. The new drug, designed for distribution in India and other poor countries, would cost $3 for three doses, as opposed to $360 for Gardasil,...

Conservatives Wield FDA Data on HPV Vaccine

Cite health risks in opposing vaccination of teenage girls

(Newser) - A group of religious conservatives has marshalled unreleased FDA data as a weapon in the battle against  Gardasil, the new cervical cancer vaccine. The data indicates health problems in women taking the vaccine, but  drugmaker Merck and the FDA both insist that the negative effects are probably unrelated to the...

Vaccine May Not Prevent Cervical Cancer

Mandated for all girls in some states, HPV vaccine fails to deliver

(Newser) - Pharma behemoth Merck is defending what it touted as a miracle cervical-cancer vaccine against charges of ineffectiveness. Merck lobbied states to mandate Gardasil for young girls—Texas and Virginia did—and got a glowing endorsement from the CDC. But new studies show that it works only to prevent sexually-transmitted HPV,...

Stories 41 - 54 | << Prev