
4 Stories

America the Polarized? No, We Mostly Agree
America the Polarized?
No, We Mostly Agree

America the Polarized? No, We Mostly Agree

Idea of 'polarized' nation exaggerated by media: Nick Gillespie

(Newser) - Conventional wisdom has it that America is more polarized in terms of politics and culture than at any point in history. "Not so fast," writes Nick Gillespie at Time . It may seem that way because of the talking heads on cable news and the fringe politicians who love...

School Speech Uproar Shows Country Divided
School Speech Uproar Shows Country Divided

School Speech Uproar Shows Country Divided

In addressing kids, Bush 41 didn't have problems like Obama's

(Newser) - When George HW Bush gave a televised address to a public school in 1991 and urged schools around the country to show it in class, no one much cared. When President Obama announced plans to do the same, he drew outrage and comparisons to Chairman Mao. That’s America in...

'Post-Partisan' Prez Can't Get Traction Across Aisle

Dems and Independents approve of the Prez, but the GOP still doesn't

(Newser) - President Obama's ratings are sky-high among Democrats but have reached a Bush-esque low among Republicans, making for a 61-point gap for the president who campaigned on a "post-partisan" platform. What's causing this problem? It starts with the fact that the public is more polarized than ever, writes Clarence Page...

Polarized Court Damages Own Legacy
Court Damages Own Legacy

Polarized Court Damages Own Legacy

Analyst not excited to see ‘childish’ panel back in session

(Newser) - Despite the chief justice’s declared intentions, the Roberts Court ravages the idea of “rule based on principle,” acting instead like a polarized political body, the New Republic’s Benjamin Wittes argues. Speeches about division's acidic effects aside, John Roberts smirks at precedent even as lefty colleagues on...

4 Stories