
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

'Scene of Horror' Follows Tourists' Selfie Attempt

Brit, Australian died in 100-foot fall in Portugal

(Newser) - A fisherman returning to a Portuguese beach encountered a "scene of horror" early Tuesday: the "unrecognizable" bodies of a tourist couple who appear to have fallen 100 feet to their deaths while trying to take a selfie. Brit Louise Benson, 37, and her Aussie boyfriend, 33-year-old Michael Kearns,...

Kim Expresses 'Bitter Sorrow' After Crash Kills 32 Tourists

Chinese citizens died when bus plunged off bridge

(Newser) - A crash that killed 32 tourists from North Korea's chief ally brought "bitter sorrow" to the heart of leader Kim Jong Un, according to Pyongyang's official KCNA news agency. The agency—in a rare admission of bad news—said the Chinese tourists and four North Koreans were...

Dozens of Teens Touring DC End Up Hospitalized

Illness (possibly food poisoning) seems to have originated in NYC

(Newser) - A spring break trip to the East Coast turned icky for a group of 48 teens and three adults Sunday night when the entire tour group was taken to hospitals in Washington, DC, with possible food poisoning. The group, which fire officials say may be from London, first started having...

Hawaiian Couple Killed in Crash at Great Barrier Reef

Their daughter, her boyfriend, and the pilot survived Wednesday's crash

(Newser) - Two US tourists died Wednesday when the helicopter carrying them over Australia's Great Barrier Reef smacked into the water some 40 miles northeast of the Whitsunday Islands, authorities say. The Whitsunday Air Services helicopter was approaching a pontoon atop the Great Barrier Reef when it dropped about 650 feet...

They Were Touring a US Landmark. Then, Tragedy

3 British tourists killed in helicopter crash in Grand Canyon

(Newser) - The three people killed in a Grand Canyon helicopter crash Saturday were all British tourists, authorities say. They've been named as Becky Dobson, 27, Jason Hill, 32, and Stuart Hill, 30, the Guardian reports. Three other badly injured British tourists and their American pilot were airlifted to a hospital...

Tourists Say They Ordered Steaks, Water, Got $1.3K Bill
Tourists Say They Ordered
Steaks, Water, Got $1.3K Bill
in case you missed it

Tourists Say They Ordered Steaks, Water, Got $1.3K Bill

Venice mayor says he's looking into the potentially 'shameful episode'

(Newser) - Four Japanese tourists were reportedly taken to the cleaners by a Venice restaurant, and now authorities are looking into the meal. ANSA reports the tourists ordered four steaks and a platter of grilled fish—no wine, just mineral water. The spot near St. Mark's Square reportedly charged them $1,...

US Tourist Dies After 'Foolish' Move in Australia

Police say he ran from companion on sweltering hike

(Newser) - A US tourist has died while hiking in what police call "a beautiful but harsh environment" in Central Australia. The 33-year-old California man and a 40-year-old companion were descending Mount Sonder on a 10-mile hike Wednesday when they became separated. A Northern Territory police superintendent tells ABC Australia the...

5 Friends on Dream Trip to NYC Among Victims of Attack

Group from Argentina was celebrating 30th anniversary of graduation

(Newser) - Five of the eight people killed in what authorities believe was an ISIS-inspired terrorist attack in Manhattan Tuesday were friends visiting the city to celebrate the 30th anniversary of graduating from high school in Argentina. Authorities say the five men from Rosario, all in their late 40s, were riding bikes...

US Tourists Who Visited Cuba Think They Got Hit, Too

South Carolina's Chris Allen suffered ailments similar to 'sonic' victims back in 2014

(Newser) - Chris Allen's phone started buzzing as word broke that invisible attacks in Cuba had hit a US government worker at Havana's Hotel Capri. Allen's friends and family had heard an eerily similar story from him before. The tourist from South Carolina had cut short his trip to...

Americans Burned in Acid Attack at French Train Station
4 US Tourists Injured
in Acid Attack in France

4 US Tourists Injured in Acid Attack in France

2 of the 4 were hospitalized; police see no link to terrorism

(Newser) - Police say an acid attack on four American tourists in France Sunday morning was not terror-related, ABC News reports. The four women, all in their 20s, were attacked around 11am local time while waiting to board a train to Paris at Marseille's Saint Charles station. Police say the attacker,...

After Canoe Crash in Canada, Tourists Walked for 11 Days

German pair love the country 'much more now'

(Newser) - It's a good thing Wolf Wagner and John Hoentsch had planned to spend three weeks in the Canadian wilderness. After crashing their canoe on rapids in Manitoba's Hayes River just 11 days into a planned trip to Hudson Bay, it took the German tourists another 11 days to...

British Tourist Shot in Brazilian Shanty Town

Eloise Dixon was looking for bottled water with her family in 'favela' known for crime

(Newser) - A British woman traveling in Brazil took a terrible wrong turn Sunday and ended up getting shot in front of her family. Eloise Dixon, who's reportedly from Kent, was on holiday with her husband and three children in the popular tourist beach town of Angra dos Reis, about 90...

Jet Blast Kills Tourist on Beach
Jet Blast Kills Tourist on Beach

Jet Blast Kills Tourist on Beach

NZ woman failed to heed warning signs

(Newser) - A tourist from New Zealand was killed by a jet blast Wednesday at a Caribbean beach famous for being under low-flying aircraft. According to 721News , the 57-year-old woman was holding on to the fence separating St. Maarten's Maho Beach from Princess Juliana International Airport when the blast from a...

Florence Brainstorms 'Elegant' Solution for Rude Tourists

Prepare to get wet if you picnic at city churches

(Newser) - The mayor of Florence says some tourists have no "decorum" these days—something he hopes to fix with a water hose. Mayor Dario Nardella says a small number of the Italian city's 12 million annual tourists—particularly day-trippers from cruise ships—have taken to "camping out" on...

Utah Man Killed in London Terror Attack

Kurt Cochran, 54, was killed; wife Melissa seriously injured

(Newser) - Not much was initially revealed about the two civilians killed in Wednesday's terror attack in London, which also ended in the death of a British cop and the attacker being gunned down by police, but now there are a few details on at least one of the deceased: a...

Famed Swimming Pigs Are Dropping Off Like Flies
Bahamas' Swimming Pigs
Dying, Likely Due to Tourists
in case you missed it

Bahamas' Swimming Pigs Dying, Likely Due to Tourists

Some think the friendly animals are being fed snacks and booze

(Newser) - The Washington Post calls the untimely demise of some of the famous swimming pigs of the Bahamas—the friendly feral animals who live on the uninhabited island of Big Major Cay, aka "Pig Beach" —a "mysterious wave of death." But some say that the reason may...

What Went Wrong During Kimmel&#39;s Tour-Bus Prank
What Went Wrong During
Kimmel's Tour-Bus Prank

What Went Wrong During Kimmel's Tour-Bus Prank

Poking fun of tourists' names didn't go over well online

(Newser) - Jimmy Kimmel pulled a prank on a bunch of unsuspecting tourists at the Oscars Sunday night to mixed reviews. The award show host arranged for a tour bus to be brought to the Dolby Theatre, at which point the people on board were brought inside the auditorium as the audience...

She'd Been to 6 Continents by 23, Is Found Dead in Panama

Raids held on Bastimentos Island after Catherine Johannet's death

(Newser) - "I found paradise and it's called Isla Ina," wrote Catherine Johannet on Jan. 28 on Instagram of an island off Panama's coast. It would be the 23-year-old's final post. The 2015 Columbia University grad was found dead Sunday afternoon on the country's Bastimentos Island....

US Tourist Says She Was Gang-Raped in India

4 men have been arrested

(Newser) - Four men have been arrested in India after a US tourist says she was gang-raped but only remembered the assault three months later. The 25-year-old teacher from Pennsylvania claims she was given drugged water in her room at the five-star Park Hotel in New Delhi and then raped by five...

Cops: Tourist Falls 150 Feet Escaping Harasser

NYC's Hannah Gavios says Thai 'guide' assaulted her

(Newser) - A 23-year-old US tourist lost in Thailand asked for assistance getting back to her resort Thursday night, and a local offered to help. But that local is now in custody and the woman is in the hospital with serious injuries after she says she was forced to flee when he...

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