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NAACP Names Youngest President Ever
NAACP Names Youngest President Ever

NAACP Names Youngest President Ever

35-year-old Benjamin Jealous prevails in contentious vote

(Newser) - The NAACP selected its youngest president ever today, picking 35-year-old Benjamin Jealous after a contentious 8-hour meeting. Jealous promised to bring financial stability to the organization by tapping his ties with top foundations nationwide. He said he will also "pull people into this movement" by focusing more on technology,...

Wright Lashes Out at Media
 Wright Lashes Out at Media 

Wright Lashes Out at Media

Pastor controversy rears up again for Obama and McCain

(Newser) - The controversial pastor who triggered trouble for Barack Obama delivered a fiery, unapologetic speech to a sold-out NAACP crowd in Detroit yesterday, blasting "corporate media" for painting him as un-American. "I am not running for the Oval Office," said the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.  "I have...

Harper Lee Awarded Medal of Freedom

Civil rights pioneer Hooks also receives highest civilian honor

(Newser) - Author Harper Lee and NAACP pioneer Benjamin Hooks yesterday received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, America's highest civilian honor, for their work for racial equality. Lee, 81, wrote the 1960 Pulitzer-winning classic To Kill a Mockingbird, which challenged racism and was made into a powerful movie featuring Gregory Peck. The...

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