David Ajemian

2 Stories

Conan's Stalker Priest Suspended by Archdiocese

Ajemian cut off by Catholic church after leaving psychiatric treatment facility

(Newser) - Conan O’Brien’s “stalker priest” has been suspended by the Boston Archdiocese, the Globe reports. The Rev. David Ajemian was instructed by his bishop to remain indefinitely at a residential psychiatric facility after he harassed the NBC late-night host, but he has apparently absconded. For disobeying the treatment...

Priest Stalking Conan Found Fit for Trial

Self-described 'most dangerous fan' is off his meds, lawyer says

(Newser) - The Catholic priest who has allegedly been stalking Conan O'Brien was found fit for trial today and released on $2,500 bail. He left jail smiling, the Daily News reports. David Ajemian's lawyer agreed with a court-appointed psychologist's evaluation but cited his client's psychiatric history and inconsistent use of medication,...

2 Stories