Senate race

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Lewandowski Not Running for Senate After All

But he's 'certain' he would have won in New Hampshire

(Newser) - Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said Tuesday he is forgoing a run for US Senate in New Hampshire, the AP reports. Lewandowski, a Republican, said on Twitter that his “priorities remain my family and ensuring that @realDonaldTrump is re-elected POTUS.” “While taking on a career politician...

Jeff Sessions Confirms Senate Run, Praises Trump

He says he's still president's 'strongest advocate'

(Newser) - Jeff Sessions confirmed Thursday that he is running to reclaim the Senate seat he held for 20 years—and while President Trump has called naming Sessions as attorney general the "biggest mistake" of his presidency, Sessions wants to let bygones be bygones. The Alabama Republican described himself as Trump'...

Report: Trump Warned Sessions Against Senate Comeback Bid

But Alabaman still plans to announce run

(Newser) - Jeff Sessions is going to take a shot at resuming the Senate career he abandoned for an ill-fated stint in the Trump administration, insiders say. Sources tell the New York Times and NPR that the Republican, who served in the Senate for 20 years before becoming President Trump's attorney...

Pressed Again on Senate Run, Beto Gives an Answer

It's a no, because 'I'm taking this fight directly to Donald Trump'

(Newser) - Last weekend, the Houston Chronicle editorial board made an impassioned plea to Beto O'Rourke: "Beto, come home. Texas needs you." The opinion piece implored the 2020 presidential candidate to drop out of his current race and make a Senate run in his home state, as he did...

He Once Set His Sights on Stars. Now, the Senate

Retired astronaut Mark Kelly to run for US Senate out of Arizona

(Newser) - Retired astronaut Mark Kelly has announced his "next mission"—and it's an ambitious, albeit earthbound, one. "I care about people. I care about the state of Arizona. I care about this nation. So because of that, I've decided I'm launching a campaign for the...

Hyde-Smith Wins Runoff in Mississippi

She personally thanks Trump at victory party

(Newser) - Mississippi failed to deliver the Democrats an Alabama-style upset in the last race of the 2018 midterms . Republican Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith defeated Democrat Mike Espy and will serve the remaining two years of Sen. Thad Cochran's term. She is the first woman elected to Congress from Mississippi, the Clarion-Ledger...

All Eyes on Mississippi and Last Election of 2018

Can Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith hold off Democrat Mike Espy?

(Newser) - Will it be 53-47 or 52-48? The last election of 2018 will determine the Republican advantage in the Senate next year. GOP incumbent Cindy Hyde-Smith is trying to fend off Democratic challenger Mike Espy in Mississippi in Tuesday's special election. As Politico reports, Hyde-Pierce has never trailed in the...

MLB Wants Its Money Back From GOP Candidate

League donated $5K to Cindy Hyde-Smith

(Newser) - Major League Baseball no longer wants to play ball with the Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith campaign. The league, which made a $5,000 donation to the Republican's US Senate campaign in Mississippi, asked for it back after it was publicized by the Popular Information blog, reports the New York Times...

Miss. Senator Says Rival Weaponized Hanging Joke

She's apologized to 'anyone offended' by it

(Newser) - At a debate Tuesday night, Mississippi Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith apologized to "anyone that was offended" by her joke about a public hanging , but accused her Democratic opponent of "twisting" her words. "There was no ill will, no intent whatsoever in my statement," the Republican said during...

Looks Like the Florida Senate Race Is Over
Looks Like the Florida
Senate Race Is Over

Looks Like the Florida Senate Race Is Over

Rick Scott says Bill Nelson has 'graciously conceded'

(Newser) - Sen. Bill Nelson conceded a bitterly fought Florida Senate race Sunday after a recount showed him trailing Gov. Rick Scott by more than 10,000 votes, CNN reports. "I just spoke with Senator Bill Nelson, who graciously conceded, and I thanked him for his years of service," says...

Defeated Republican Could Still Get a Senate Seat

Supporters want Martha McSally appointed to John McCain's old seat

(Newser) - After it became clear that Democrat Kyrsten Sinema had an insurmountable lead in the Arizona Senate race, Republican Martha McSally delivered a gracious concession speech —so gracious that she might end up in the Senate after all. Arizona's other Senate seat is currently held by Republican Sen. Jon...

New Wrinkle in Miss. Senate Race: 'Public Hanging' Joke

Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith calls criticism 'ridiculous' ahead of Nov. 27 runoff with Mike Espy

(Newser) - One of the big contests still undecided after election night is the race for senator in Mississippi, and a controversial new video is getting a lot of attention ahead of the Nov. 27 runoff. In the video , GOP incumbent Cindy Hyde-Smith is seen campaigning with a supporter in Tupelo, and...

Florida Governor Wants to Impound Voting Machines

He claims 'unethical liberals' want to steal election

(Newser) - With an unprecedented double recount underway in Florida, Gov. Rick Scott is fighting to get state police involved. The Republican governor—who is clinging to a slim lead in his Senate race with Democratic rival Bill Nelson—filed lawsuits Sunday calling for elections officials in Palm Beach and Broward counties...

Democrat Pulls Ahead in Arizona Senate Race
Ariz. Democrat's
Lead Is Now

Ariz. Democrat's Lead Is Now 'Insurmountable'

Kyrsten Sinema will be state's next senator, campaign says

(Newser) - With more than 210,000 votes still to be counted in Arizona's Senate race, anything could still happen—but it's not looking promising for Republican candidate Martha McSally. According to an update released Sunday evening, Democrat Kyrsten Sinema is now 32,640 votes ahead of McSally, with 49....

Democrat Edges Ahead in Arizona Senate Race
Major Update Delivered
in Arizona Senate Race

Major Update Delivered in Arizona Senate Race

Democrat Krysten Sinema has edged ahead

(Newser) - Democratic candidate Krysten Sinema has edged ahead of Republican rival Martha McSally in Arizona, one of three states where Senate races are still undecided. The state's first major update since election night said Sinema was leading with 49.10%, or 932,870 votes, while McSally was at 48.59%...

Fla. Senator Calls for Recount, Opponent Calls Move 'Sad'

Democrat Bill Nelson is pressing for a new vote tally against the GOP's Rick Scott

(Newser) - Republican Rick Scott declared himself the victor in Tuesday's Florida race for a US Senate seat, but it looks like people may have to bite their nails on this one a little longer. Politico reports that the team of his Democratic opponent, incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson, sent out an...

Family That Painted Political Sign Faces 'Fit of Rage'

Shannon Bennett's family battles their HOA

(Newser) - Is painting your lawn the same as putting up a sign? A Texas family says it is after painting "BETO" on their front yard—but their homeowner's association wants the message removed, the Hill reports. Shannon Bennett and her husband say they painted the letters in support of...

O'Rourke Comes Out Swinging in Cruz Debate: 'Lyin' Ted'

But Texas senator swings right back

(Newser) - Beto O'Rourke was relatively reserved in his first debate against Sen. Ted Cruz last month, the New York Times notes. In Tuesday night's debate in San Antonio, however: The congressman was "sharper and edgier," and the Hill notes that "seasoned debater" Cruz, whose Texas Senate...

'Beyond Surprising': Beto Breaks Fundraising Records

He raises $31.8M in 3 months in tight race against Ted Cruz

(Newser) - Small-dollar donations have been the hallmark of the campaign of US Senate candidate Beto O'Rourke, who hasn't accepted PAC money in his attempt to grab Ted Cruz's Texas Senate seat. But like snowflakes that form an avalanche, all those more modest donations have converged to become what...

Trump Slams 'Sick' Democrats at Montana Rally

He calls senators' behavior during Kavanaugh hearings 'embarrassing'

(Newser) - At a campaign rally in Montana Thursday night, President Trump praised Judge Brett Kavanaugh 's progress toward winning confirmation to the Supreme Court but decried the "anger and the meanness on the other side," blasting Democrats' behavior toward his nominee as "sick." Trump sought to...

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