
3 Stories

Whedon's 'Horrible' an Online Hit

Evil genius is too good for his own good, and so is his show

(Newser) - Hollywood’s Internet video forays have mostly been failures—remember Quarterlife?—but none of them starred a dorky singing mad scientist. Joss Whedon’s Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog thankfully features just such a character, and it’s almost too successful for its own good. The first episode had been...

You Hate Me, You Really Hate Me!

The web's 10 most despised people

(Newser) - Critics in cyberspace can stay incognito, which makes them especially nasty. Radar lists the 10 most-scorned players on the web:
  1. Lori Drew: Her comments on a MySpace account drove a 13-year-old girl to suicide.
  2. John Fitzgerald Page: An online dater whose cruel remarks got world-wide coverage.
  3. Julia Allison: A sassy

TV Run for Web-Dud 'Quarterlife'
TV Run for Web-Dud 'Quarterlife'

TV Run for Web-Dud 'Quarterlife'

NBC hopes made-for-web show can defy so-so traffic numbers

(Newser) - YouTube buzz is tough to manufacture, and so far NBC’s “Quarterlife,” the network's experiment in TV-quality production for the web, hasn’t managed. The last dozen episodes have each drawn around 100,000 views between MySpace and YouTube combined, which isn’t many eyeballs in the TV...

3 Stories