Ian Walsh

2 Stories

Cop Caught Punching a Girl in the Face

Department promises to review training procedures

(Newser) - Seattle police are investigating two teenagers for allegedly assaulting an officer—even though a much-publicized video has surfaced in which said officer punches one of them, 17-year-old Angel Rosenthal, in the face. The incident, caught on the tape above, happened after officer Ian Walsh stopped Rosenthal and three other women...

Escape Winter: Live Vicariously in Hawaii

Pro surfers live the coolest lifestyles in the raddest locations

(Newser) - Whatever preconceptions you have about the surfer lifestyle, they're probably right, bro. ESPN's Jim Caple braved waves of "dude!" and "whoa!" to get the lowdown on the crests and troughs of the professional surfing scene, which includes huge sponsorships but also hidden dangers that lurk just...

2 Stories