Pew Hispanic Center

6 Stories

63% of Adult Illegals Have Lived in US for 10+ Years

Short-term illegals down due to bad economy, better enforcement

(Newser) - About 63% of the 10.2 million adult illegal immigrants in the United States have been living here for 10 years or more, and 46% have children, reports the LA Times . A study by the Pew Hispanic Center says that the number of long-term illegals has soared over the past...

Sotomayor the First Latino on Supreme Court? Not Exactly

Answer centers on whether Portuguese Cardozo was 'Hispanic'

(Newser) - Sonia Sotomayor is indeed the first Latino to be nominated for a Supreme Court post—if you don’t count Benjamin Cardozo, a justice serving in the 1930s who was born to parents claiming Portuguese descent. But, some ask, did that make him Latino? The answer, Antonio Olivo explains in...

Half of America's Population Growth Now Hispanic

Baby boom among '90s immigrants behind surge in Latino population

(Newser) - A Hispanic baby boom accounts for more than half of America's population growth over the last decade, the Houston Chronicle reports. A survey found 50.5% of the growth in that period was among Hispanics, even though the group currently makes up just 15% of the population. The growth is...

US Illegal Immigration Plunges
 US Illegal Immigration Plunges 

US Illegal Immigration Plunges

For the first time in years, legal immigrants outnumber incoming illegals

(Newser) - The number of illegal immigrants entering the US has plummeted in the last several years, a new study has found. Close to 800,000 illegal immigrants entered the US each year from 2000-2004, but 500,000 have entered each year since, reports the Washington Post. For the first time in...

Latinos the Wild Card in Nevada
Latinos the Wild Card in Nevada

Latinos the Wild Card in Nevada

Immigration debate has unnerved many

(Newser) - Hispanic voters could be key next November because they form a significant  minority of eligible voters in states President Bush won by less than 5% four years ago—Florida, New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada. Saturday's Nevada caucus is expected to offer important insight into how Hispanics will vote in November,...

'06 a Mini Baby Boom for US
'06 a Mini Baby Boom for US

'06 a Mini Baby Boom for US

4.3M births highest in 45 years, go against trends in industrialized world

(Newser) - The US experienced a mini baby boom in 2006, with the largest number of children born since the 1960s. The AP reports 4.3 million births that year, giving the US a higher birth rate than Europe, Australia, Canada, or Japan. Hispanics accounted for a quarter of all US births,...

6 Stories