presidential candidates

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Biden: I'm Now Getting Intel Briefings. Here's a Warning

Presumptive Democratic nominee says Russia, China, and others are trying to undermine election

(Newser) - Joe Biden said Friday night he's begun receiving intelligence briefings as he warned that Russia, China, and other adversaries were attempting to undermine the upcoming US election in November. The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee wasn't specific and offered no evidence while addressing a virtual fundraiser with more than...

Kanye Was Supposedly Out. One State Says Otherwise

Rapper has filed necessary forms to qualify for general election ballot in Oklahoma

(Newser) - As with many things Kanye, the latest Kanye West development is mired in confusion. After reports this week that the 43-year-old rapper and producer appeared to be dropping his 2020 presidential run, Business Insider reports he has officially been given the thumbs-up to be on the ballot in at least...

Looks Like Kim Kardashian Won't Be Our Next First Lady

Election strategist claims Kanye West is 'out' of presidential run as state deadlines pass

(Newser) - It looks like Kanye West won't be your next president. The rapper has reportedly bowed out of the 2020 presidential race less than two weeks after indicating he would run . He did try. New York 's Ben Jacobs reports West hired political operatives tasked with getting him on...

Musk's 'Full Support' for Kanye Just Took a Step Back

In deleted tweet, Elon Musk seems to be wary of some of West's views

(Newser) - In a Forbes interview this week, sorta-kinda presidential candidate Kanye West noted that one of his trusted campaign advisers, in addition to wife Kim Kardashian West, was Elon Musk, who'd been in on his political ambitions "for years." And indeed, in response to West's big July...

Kanye: 'I Am Taking the Red Hat Off'

But potential candidate tells 'Forbes' Trump is 'special,' Biden isn't

(Newser) - Kanye West still has some work to do if he's serious about making a 2020 run for the White House, but he managed to carve out "four rambling hours" to talk to Forbes on Tuesday on his run under the "Birthday Party" banner—"because when we...

Tulsi Gabbard Drops Out, Backs Joe Biden
Tulsi Gabbard
Calls It Quits

Tulsi Gabbard Calls It Quits

Hawaii congresswoman drops out, endorses Joe Biden

(Newser) - Tulsi Gabbard is out. The Hawaii congresswoman dropped from the 2020 race on Thursday and endorsed Joe Biden, reports USA Today . Gabbard had barely been registering in the polls, and she had failed to qualify for any of the recent debates. She did, however, manage to win two delegates from...

Sanders' Remarks on Cuba Could Cost Him Big in Florida

Biden has advantage among various demographics, including Hispanics, ahead of Tuesday's primary

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders' 2020 campaign is struggling after Joe Biden's big wins in recent primaries, and another important state on the horizon also doesn't look particularly promising for the Vermont senator. Marc Caputo writes for Politico that after "Michigan broke Bernie Sanders' heart Tuesday, Florida looks ready to...

Biden Won After &#39;Suburban Surge&#39;
Biden Won After
'Suburban Surge'

Biden Won After 'Suburban Surge'

Ex-VP racking up primary victories from suburbanites looking for a moderate

(Newser) - Former Vice President Joe Biden has solidly taken front-runner status after Tuesday's primaries , and a big part of his more recent victories can be attributed to what the Washington Post calls a "suburban surge." The paper notes that voter turnout in Michigan especially saw a spike in...

A New Poll Has Troubling News for Elizabeth Warren
A New Poll Has Troubling
News for Elizabeth Warren

A New Poll Has Troubling News for Elizabeth Warren

She's trailing in her home state of Massachusetts

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren didn't see the results she wanted in Iowa , New Hampshire , and Nevada , and it remains to be seen how she'll fare in the South Carolina primary on Saturday, though it doesn't look promising there , either. With Super Tuesday coming up in a few days, Warren'...

Klobuchar, Buttigieg Rivalry Is Getting Nasty

These 2 really seem to dislike each other

(Newser) - The rough night suffered by Michael Bloomberg has dominated post-debate coverage, but another aspect of the Democratic race is also coming into focus: Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg appear to genuinely dislike each other. The Minnesota senator and the former South Bend mayor clashed numerous times, and Klobuchar seemed to...

2020 Paradox: Biden Trends Down in Polls, but Odds Go Up

538: No single candidate has been able to grab momentum yet, good news for former VP

(Newser) - Now that the dust has settled on Iowa and New Hampshire, a flurry of new polls suggests that the news for Joe Biden isn't as bleak as some think, according to an analysis at FiveThirtyEight . The reason? "They're not showing that any candidate has grabbed a ton...

Democratic Rivals May Have Blown It With Biden
Rivals May Have
Blown It With Biden

Democratic Rivals May Have Blown It With Biden

He scared away promising rivals, writes David Leonhardt

(Newser) - A column by David Leonhardt in the New York Times on Sunday raises a provocative question with its headline: "Did Joe Biden Scare Off Our Next President?" The thinking is this: Biden's entry into the race as an instant front-runner kept promising moderates such as Mitch Landrieu on...

Bernie Gets New Boost From Ex-Rival
Bernie Gets
New Boost
From Ex-Rival

Bernie Gets New Boost From Ex-Rival

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio endorses Vermont senator for president

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders just got a high-profile endorsement from one of his former rivals for the Oval Office. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who dropped out of the presidential race himself in September, gave the Vermont senator the thumbs-up on Friday, which the New York Times notes is the...

There's One 'Plausible' Path for Bloomberg to Win

Matt Bai argues that if Sanders builds momentum after Iowa, NH, Bloomberg has a shot

(Newser) - Just a couple of months ago, Baby Yoda was generating more buzz on social media than Michael Bloomberg, even though the latter had just announced a presidential run. Things may now be shifting, and Matt Bai makes a bold assertion at the Washington Post : "It might be time to...

Cory Booker Drops Out of 2020 Race
Another 2020 Candidate
Calls It Quits

Another 2020 Candidate Calls It Quits

New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker is out

(Newser) - The Democratic field got smaller again on Monday: Cory Booker is out. The New Jersey senator, who has struggled in the polls and with fundraising, told supporters that he's suspending his campaign, reports Politico . Booker said his campaign just didn't have the money to "scale up and...

A Big First for Bernie as Iowa Caucuses Loom

Sanders leads other candidates in new poll out of the Hawkeye State

(Newser) - When Bernie Sanders had a heart attack in October, whispers started that it was the beginning of the end of the Vermont senator's campaign for the Oval Office. Tell that to the people of Iowa, where Sanders, for the first time, took the lead there among all Democratic candidates...

Goodbye to Another Dem Candidate
Goodbye to
Another Dem

Goodbye to Another Dem Candidate

Marianne Williamson drops out of 2020 race

(Newser) - If you've been waiting with bated breath to see if Marianne Williamson would qualify for Tuesday's Democratic debate in Iowa, you can exhale—she definitely won't be there, even though the qualification deadline isn't until later Friday. That's because the 67-year-old self-help author and spiritual...

Bernie Sanders Smokes Rivals on Fundraising

He pulls in $34.5M in 4th quarter, far more than anyone else

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders just had the best fundraising quarter of any Democratic candidate in 2019: He pulled in $34.5 million in the final three months of the year, reports NBC News . The big number, raised mainly through small donations online, might deliver a "financial jolt" in the Democratic race...

Another 2020 Contender Calls It Quits

Former HUD secretary Julian Castro is out

(Newser) - The Democratic field just dropped by one in the new year: Julian Castro is out. The former HUD secretary and the only Latino candidate in the race called it quits Thursday morning, reports CNBC . "It's with profound gratitude to all of our supporters that I suspend my campaign...

Attendee of &#39;Wine Cave&#39; Fundraiser Explains
Attendee of
'Wine Cave'

Attendee of 'Wine Cave' Fundraiser Explains

It was far from a gathering of billionaires, writes one participant at Buttigieg event

(Newser) - It was one of the big moments from the last Democratic debate. Elizabeth Warren took note of a Pete Buttigieg fundraiser and declared, "Billionaires in wine caves should not pick the next president of the United States." Now, in an op-ed in the Washington Post , one of the...

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