Kodak Theatre

2 Stories

Sans Blockbusters, Oscar Scrambles to Build Buzz

Broadcast's ratings decline isn't helped by snub to Dark Knight

(Newser) - Producers of the Academy Awards are scrambling to add twists to a broadcast whose ratings decline won’t be helped by the lack of a blockbuster among the best-picture nominees, the New York Times reports. With the five nominees totaling less than half the box office of snubbed Dark Knight,...

Clinton, Obama Go One-on-One
Clinton, Obama Go One-on-One

Clinton, Obama Go One-on-One

They strike cordial tone but seek an edge on wide range of issues

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama squared off in a cordial but substantive debate tonight, their first one-on-one forum of the campaign, the AP reports. "One of us two will be the next president of the United States," said Obama, who later added that the nation needs a president...

2 Stories