
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

First Americans Arrived Via Land Bridge in 3 Waves
First Americans Arrived Via Land Bridge in 3 Waves

First Americans Arrived Via Land Bridge in 3 Waves

But those waves may have intermingled

(Newser) - The Americas weren't initially populated in one sweeping migration across the land bridge from Siberia, but in three distinct waves, according to a new DNA study. By comparing genetic markers on 52 modern day Native American populations and 17 Siberian ones, they've concluded that while the Americas were...

Early Humans Found Unique Way to Get Woolly Mammoth

Fossil suggests they stole prey from lions, say scientists

(Newser) - Prehistoric humans may have sliced up woolly mammoths for dinner after stealing them from lions. Markings on a mammoth fossil show evidence of both human and lion involvement, reports the BBC . Researchers examined an "exquisitely preserved" carcass of a young woolly mammoth that still has its teeth, tusks, and...

Russian Plane Crashes in Siberia, 16 Confirmed Dead

 12 Survive Siberia 
 Plane Crash 

12 Survive Siberia Plane Crash

Turboprop plane goes down shortly after takeoff, killing 31

(Newser) - At least 31 people were killed when a Russian plane carrying 43 passengers and crew members crashed in Siberia this morning. The ATR-72 turboprop plane owned by UTair had just left Tyumen on a flight north to the oil town of Surget when it went down. The cause is unknown....

Siberian Officials Find 'Proof' of Yeti Artifacts in Mountains

 Siberia Turns Up 'Proof' of Yeti 
in case you missed it

Siberia Turns Up 'Proof' of Yeti

Officials find 'footprints' and 'supposed bed'

(Newser) - Siberian officials say they've uncovered concrete proof of an Abominable Snowman living nearby. Have they actually spotted him? Well, not Yeti—but during an expedition to the Shoria mountains, participants found the creature's "footprints, his supposed bed, and various markers with which the yeti marks his territory,...

Kim Jong Il Enjoys 'Fun Trip' to Russia

It's trains, yachts, and limos for North Korea's aerophobic leader

(Newser) - So what did the Kim Jong Il think of his multi-day journey from Pyongyang to a small Siberian town on a custom-built, armor-plated train to meet with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev? "We're having a fun trip," said the aerophobic North Korean leader. In his first visit to...

Russia Warns Against Ice Baptisms

Video of child being forced into ice hole sparks outrage

(Newser) - Chucking unwilling children into holes in the Siberian ice isn't the great idea some Orthodox believers appear to think it is, Russian authorities warn. The trend for "ice baptisms"—usually carried out during the Russian Orthodox festival of Epiphany in January—has been in the spotlight since video...

NH Lawmaker: Send Mentally Ill to Siberia

91-year-old Martin Harty supports eugenics, fears overpopulation

(Newser) - A 91-year-old New Hampshire lawmaker said he wished America had its own Siberia to send "defective people" to. Then "the mentally ill, the retarded, people with physical disabilities and drug addictions" could "freeze to death and die and clean up the population,” state representative Martin Harty...

Teen Stowaway Survives Flight in Landing Gear

Russian foster kid ran away from Siberian home

(Newser) - A 17-year-old Russian ran away from his Siberian foster home in dramatic fashion today, crawling into the landing gear compartment of an Antonov An-24 turboprop plane. Wearing only a light coat, the boy survived a 50-minute flight in temperatures as low as -22 to the regional center of Irkutsk, the...

To Sidestep Ivory Ban, Russia Digs Up Mammoth Tusks

Tusk treasure trove lies beneath Siberian ice

(Newser) - Russia is turning to the Siberian soil to satisfy an appetite for "ethical ivory." Entrepreneurs are taking advantage of the worldwide ban on elephant ivory and digging up giant woolly mammoth tusks to sell abroad.Michelle Obama has been spotted wearing jewelry made from the ancient tusks of...

Russia Tests New Stealth Fighter

Twin-engine jet is 5 years from regular military service

(Newser) - Russia successfully tested its first stealth fighter jet today, offering a boost to the country's aviation sector as well as its military. The Sukhoi T-50 is intended to match the stealth capabilities of the US F-22 Raptor, which it resembles. The dual-engine aircraft took off from Komsomolsk-on-Amur, in Siberia, and...

Russian Cops Beat Journalist to Death

Konstantiv Popov's death in detention sparks outrage

(Newser) - A journalist beaten by police in a Siberian drunk tank has died after two weeks in a coma. Konstantin Popov, 47, was savagely beaten and shot in the groin, according to his editor. Officials in Tomsk have charged the police officer allegedly responsible, but they have tried to excuse his...

Siberian Tigers Vanishing
 Siberian Tigers Vanishing 

Siberian Tigers Vanishing

Population may be down to mere hundreds

(Newser) - The last remaining wild population of Siberian tigers is rapidly declining, researchers warn. A study of a portion of the tiger's range found just 56 tigers when the average of the last decade had been 95. Researchers blame the decline on poaching and habitat loss, and believe only a few...

The World's 7 Most Remote Destinations

Now abandoned, these places were once home to humans

(Newser) - Forget the Seven Wonders of the World. WebUrbanist takes a look at seven places that make you wonder why people ever settled there:
  • St. Kilda, Scotland: Although this archipelago is known for 16-foot waves and wind speeds up to 130mph, humans called it home for 2,000 years—until 1930,

Putin Trip Is Tough-Guy Photo Op

Official pics show Russian PM swimming, riding bareback in Siberia

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin spent his vacation in southern Siberia swimming, climbing trees, and riding a horse bareback—all while shirtless. Though state news agencies portrayed the Russian prime minister’s trip as a vacation, the series of tough-guy photographs that emerged make it hard not to think he had a motive...

UFO Saved Earth in Suicide Mission: Russian Scientist

He points to mysterious crystals as proof

(Newser) - Alien spacecraft crashed into a giant meteor 100 years ago to stop it from hitting Earth, according to a Russian scientist. Most scientists say an exploding meteorite caused 1908’s Tunguska event, which flattened 80 million trees across 100 miles. But researcher Yuri Labvin says crystals found in sparsely populated...

5-Year-Old Russian Girl Raised by Cats, Dogs

Russian, 5, was locked in unheated flat with animals

(Newser) - Russian police have removed a feral girl from the home where she was raised by cats and dogs, the Times of London reports. Natasha, 5, who mimics the animals rather than speaking, has never been outside her family's unheated apartment. Her grandparents and father also lived there, but she had...

Baby Mammoth Gives Up Secrets

(Newser) - A nearly perfectly preserved 37,000-year-old baby mammoth is giving up tantalizing secrets about her species, scientists report. The creature, dubbed Lyuba by researchers, still sports clumps of hair and eyelashes, according to the Telegraph. Scientists have been able to examine stomach contents and the mineral makeup of the bones...

Jagr Happy, Rich in Siberia
 Jagr Happy, Rich in Siberia 

Jagr Happy, Rich in Siberia

Former NHL star finds 'real freedom' playing (for big money) in outpost of Omsk

(Newser) - Jaromir Jagr is far from New York, playing hockey in Siberia, yet he tells the Atlantic he’s happy in the outpost of Omsk. Indeed, his $11 million salary helps cushion the blow of not being re-signed by the Rangers. And "in Russia, you have the real freedom, which...

Kremlin Foe Denied Bid for Parole
Kremlin Foe Denied Bid
for Parole

Kremlin Foe Denied Bid for Parole

Oil tycoon, Putin opponent remains in Siberian prison

(Newser) - A Russian court has rejected Mikhail Khodorkovsky's request for parole on Friday, ordering the jailed oil tycoon to serve out the remainder of his sentence in a ruling his lawyer called politically motivated. Khodorkovsky, the former head of Yukos oil company and once Russia's richest man, was sentenced to 8...

Eclipse Draws 15K to Siberia
 Eclipse Draws 15K to Siberia 

Eclipse Draws 15K to Siberia

Thousands flock to Russia for rare solar spectacle despite threat of rain

(Newser) - Prospects of rare total solar eclipse have drawn thousands of sky-watchers to the Siberian city of Novosibirsk, where the moon’s passage between the earth and sun will create 140 seconds of darkness at 5:45 pm local time today. Hotels in the city—Russia’s third-largest—are fully booked,...

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