Phillips de Pury

2 Stories

Modern Art Fever: Basquiat Fetches $16.3M

It's a record price for the artist

(Newser) - Well, it's no $120 million , but a Jean Michel Basquiat painting made a splash at an auction last night at Phillips de Pury & Company, selling for a whopping $16.3 million—an all-time high for the neo-expressionist. Coming just two days after a record-setting Christie's auction , the...

Art Funds Looking Far East
 Art Funds Looking Far East 

Art Funds Looking Far East

As West's growth slows, managers aim to buy, and sell, in China, Middle East, India

(Newser) - With major economies slowing and the US dollar near historic lows, art investment funds are looking to move away from the slowing Western art market, Bloomberg reports. Funds are sinking millions into works from China, India, and the Middle East. One leading fund has met its target for contemporary Chinese...

2 Stories