Robert the Bruce

2 Stories

Hero King's Unknown Face Now Revealed

Two versions, one with leprosy and one without, attempt to show us the leader

(Newser) - Robert the Bruce, King of Scots from 1306 until his death in 1329 and perhaps most famous for defeating the English army at the Battle of Bannockburn, has been dead some 700 years, but we're just now getting a good idea of what he might have looked like. Without...

'McCain the Bruce' Claims are Baloney

Genealogists ridicule senator's alleged links to Scottish king

(Newser) - John McCain might be a sure thing to be crowned the GOP nominee, but experts say claims that his family is related to a Scottish king are pure fiction. McCain wrote in a 1999 memoir that his great-aunt was descended from Robert the Bruce, who reclaimed Scottish independence in 1314....

2 Stories