high cholesterol

8 Stories

Studies: Popular Cholesterol Treatment Too Dangerous

Niacin dramatically increases your risk of diabetes, report finds

(Newser) - Niacin sure sounds like a safe drug—it's a B vitamin; you can get it over the counter and in your cereal . And for years, doctors have been prescribing it in the hopes of cutting LDL, or "bad cholesterol," while increasing HDL, or "good cholesterol."...

USDA: Eggs Actually Aren't Cholesterol Bombs

Oh, and they're high in vitamin D, too

(Newser) - The USDA backtracked yesterday on that whole "eggs can be bad for you" thing: Turns out eggs are actually lower in cholesterol and higher in vitamin D than previously thought. Specifically, 14% lower in cholesterol and 64% higher in vitamin D, the department announced in a press release . One...

Eat Some Nuts to Lower Cholesterol

Study: A daily dose reduces 'bad' cholesterol levels

(Newser) - Eating a small amount of peanuts every day can help keep cholesterol within healthy levels, a new study suggests. Regular consumers of nuts of all varieties had lower cholesterol, say researchers who reviewed 25 separate cholesterol studies. Specifically, subjects who ate at least 67 grams of nuts a day had...

Half of US Has Major Heart Disease Risk

High cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes common

(Newser) - Nearly 50% of Americans have either high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes, putting them at significant risk of heart disease, and many don't even know it, according to a new CDC report. Among those with only one risk factor, 15% are undiagnosed. “That's a huge wake-up call,”...

It's Not Too Late to Extend Your Lifespan

Abandon unhealthy habits and you may live 10 years longer: docs

(Newser) - You knew smoking and fatty foods were bad for you, but thanks to a huge 40-year study, we now know exactly how bad. Researchers followed 19,000 men, starting in the late 1960s. Those who were still smoking, had high blood pressure, and had high cholesterol—the three top killers...

California Set to Ban Trans Fat
 California Set to Ban Trans Fat 

California Set to Ban Trans Fat

Awaiting the governor's signature

(Newser) - The California legislature yesterday passed a bill banning all trans fats in restaurants and bakeries by 2011. It's now awaiting the signature of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who hasn't indicated whether he supports such an action. If passed, the new law would make California the first state to enact such a...

Sunshine Likely Prevents Heart Attacks

Vitamin D level is key, researchers say

(Newser) - Plenty of sunshine could be one key to heart health, according to a new study. Research has linked low levels of vitamin D—the "sunshine vitamin"—to an increased risk of heart attacks, reports Web MD. Men with low levels of vitamin D ran twice the risk of...

'Little Blue Pill' is 10 Years Old

Viagra changed sexual landscape

(Newser) - The little blue pill that rescued the sex lives and saved marriages of couples worldwide is 10 years old this month. Viagra, which has been used by some 35 million men, moved the treatment of impotence out of the shadows to lead a multi-billion-dollar industry. The drug has also triggered...

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