Danger Mouse

5 Stories

Danger Mouse Producing Next U2 Album

Group has three in the works after Bono's surgery

(Newser) - Instead of shutting him down, Bono’s recent emergency surgery has prompted a creative burst: U2 is planning three new albums, including one produced by pop guru Danger Mouse, reports Australia's the Age . “We have about 12 songs with him," the singer says. "At the moment that...

Danger Mouse's Latest Album a Blank CD

Producer pushes listeners to illegally download, burn songs

(Newser) - Legal wrangling reportedly led to the shelving of Danger Mouse’s latest album; now, instead of dropping Dark Night Of The Soul, the producer behind acclaimed Beatles/Jay-Z mash-up the Grey Album is releasing a book of photographs by director David Lynch—with a blank CD enclosed, XXL reports. “For...

Beck's a Bit Gloomy in New CD
 Beck's a Bit Gloomy in New CD 
music review

Beck's a Bit Gloomy in New CD

Modern Guilt is a far cry from the artist's early days

(Newser) - Beck’s new 34-minute-long record is a “simmering cauldron of postmillennial tension,” writes Leah Greenblatt in Entertainment Weekly, its paranoid lyrics “way past Bummerville” and nearing “Apocalypse Heights.” But producer Danger Mouse still manages to find “thoughtfulness and texture…if not exactly levity” that...

Beck Poised at Turning Point
 Beck Poised
 at Turning

Beck Poised at Turning Point

As his record contract ends, the musician's not sure what's next

(Newser) - This week Beck will release Modern Guilt, his last record under a 14-year-old studio contract—an event that prompted the New York Times to ask him what's next. No idea, Beck said. “I haven’t bothered to plan anything. I don’t know where the record business is going...

Keys' Attack Releases Old Rut
 Keys' Attack Releases Old Rut 

Keys' Attack Releases Old Rut

Garage band figures out how to expand

(Newser) - The Black Keys had hoped collaborating with Ike Turner would finally push the band out of its tired “garage minimalism,” writes Pitchfork’s Roque Strew. Though Ike died in December, the band already had material that expanded its sound. Attack & Release is its “most adventurous album...

5 Stories