Justice and Development Party

2 Stories

Turkey Dodges Political Crisis
 Turkey Dodges Political Crisis 

Turkey Dodges Political Crisis

Top court votes not to disband Islamic ruling party

(Newser) - A major constitutional showdown in Turkey was narrowly averted yesterday when the nation's top court voted not to ban the ruling Islamic AKP party, which attorneys had argued is illegally attempting to dismantle Turkey's secular democracy. A judge described the razor-thin 6-5 vote as "a serious warning" to the...

Turkey's PM Could Fall Over Headscarves
Turkey's PM Could Fall Over Headscarves

Turkey's PM Could Fall Over Headscarves

Attack by 'extreme' secular judges will hopefully fall short

(Newser) - Turkey's secular judges want to oust the ruling party for its moderate, and popular, stance on religion freedoms, Mustafa Akyol writes in the American. On paper, the judiciary seeks to punish the incumbent AKP party for crimes such as nepotism and corruption. In reality, Akyol writes, the AKP's support for...

2 Stories