gun laws

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Iraqi War Vet: Ban Assault Weapons
Iraqi War Vet:
Ban Assault Weapons

Iraqi War Vet: Ban Assault Weapons

Steven Katz: Those who blindly cite the 2nd Amendment are being selfish

(Newser) - Before making the case that the US should ban assault weapons, Steven Katz lays out his "street cred" in the Christian Science Monitor : He's a conservative Republican who voted for George W. Bush twice, backs small government and the 2nd Amendment, and served two tours in Iraq. But...

Assault Weapons Ban Doomed
 Assault Weapons Ban Doomed 

Assault Weapons Ban Doomed

Feinstein's measure won't be included in legislation before Senate

(Newser) - Harry Reid has delivered the expected death blow to a ban on assault weapons, telling Dianne Feinstein that her proposal won't be included in the final package that goes up for a Senate vote. Feinstein will offer it as an amendment instead, but it stands no chance of getting...

Teen Killed After Accidentally Entering Neighbor's Home

Caleb Gordley was trying to sneak in after party, but picked wrong house

(Newser) - A Virginia neighborhood is grappling with the "ultimate tragedy": the death of a 16-year-old boy killed by a homeowner when he accidentally entered the wrong house early Sunday—one just two doors down from his own. Caleb Gordley was grounded for not cleaning his room but sneaked out Saturday...

Colorado Sheriff: I Won't Enforce New Gun Laws

He calls them 'knee-jerk reactions ... unenforceable'

(Newser) - Colorado lawmakers passed new gun measures this week, but at least two sheriffs are refusing to enforce them. "They’re feel-good, knee-jerk reactions that are unenforceable," said Weld County Sheriff John Cooke after state Democrats pushed through expanded background checks on gun purchases. Gov. John Hickenlooper, a Democrat,...

Feinstein to Cruz on Guns: 'I'm Not a Sixth-Grader'

Senate panel approves assault weapons ban, but it looks doomed

(Newser) - It got testy on Capitol Hill today as the Senate Judiciary Committee debated gun legislation. After Ted Cruz suggested that Dianne Feinstein's proposal to ban assault weapons was unconstitutional, she shot back: “I'm not a sixth-grader,” reports the Hill . "It's fine you want to...

No More Big Ammunition Magazines for Colorado

Hickenlooper says he'll sign bill, which state Senate, House passed

(Newser) - A bill limiting ammunition magazines to 15 rounds has cleared Colorado's legislature, meaning all it needs to become law is Gov. John Hickenlooper's signature—which he has said he'll provide. The bill passed the state Senate on Monday and state House yesterday, 34-30; three Democrats joined the...

New York's Tough Gun Law Needs Exemption for Movies

State will let Hollywood have real guns with fake ammo

(Newser) - New York sought to combat violence by rushing the nation's toughest gun-control measure into law after the Connecticut school shootings that killed 26 people, but the state is now carving out an exemption to make sure movie and TV producers can stage running gun battles on Manhattan streets. "...

Look: It&#39;s Obama Firing a Gun
 Look: It's Obama Firing a Gun 

Look: It's Obama Firing a Gun

White House releases photo of him skeet shooting

(Newser) - In what will surely be the most talked-about image of the week, the White House today released a photo of President Obama firing a gun, reports AP . It's from last August at Camp David as Obama shoots at clay targets. The release of the photo follows up on an...

We Women Need AR-15s for Self-Defense
We Women Need AR-15s
for Self-Defense

We Women Need AR-15s for Self-Defense

'National Review' essayists make their case for semi-automatic rifle

(Newser) - The AR-15 semiautomatic rifle is getting vilified in the media, but two female essayists at the National Review explain why it's their weapon of choice for self-defense. Simply put, it's a great gun—light, easy to shoot, and accurate, write Celia Bigelow and Aubrey Blankenship. In this age...

NRA's LaPierre Blasts Obama: 2nd Amendment Is Absolute

Says president wants to either tax guns or take them away

(Newser) - One person who was not a fan of President Obama's inaugural address: Wayne LaPierre , executive director of the NRA. Yesterday at a Nevada hunting conference, LaPierre attacked the president's speech, specifically the part where Obama urged Americans not to "mistake absolutism for principle." That was an...

Assault Weapon Advocates: Boycott NY Gun Law

Some assault rifle owners will refuse to register weapons

(Newser) - Assault rifle owners in New York aren't taking the state's new gun laws lying down: They're arranging a boycott of part of the law, with gun rights activists urging all assault rifle owners not to register their weapons. Under the new law, such weapons must be registered...

Texas AG to NY Gun Owners: Come Live Here

Attorney General Greg Abbott runs unconventional ads

(Newser) - Now that New York has the country's toughest gun laws , some New York gun owners may be looking for a change of scenery. At least, that's what the Texas attorney general thinks. In a series of Internet ads, Greg Abbott has been inviting New York gun owners to...

I Have Depression: Take Away My Right to a Gun
I Have Depression: Take
Away My Right to a Gun

I Have Depression: Take Away My Right to a Gun

Wendy Button says government needs to protect people from themselves

(Newser) - Wendy Button once considered getting a gun after a scare with an intruder. But "then I remembered who I am," she writes in the New York Times . Button suffers from depression, and when it comes on, sometimes her "fight against the urge to die is so tough...

Ex Aussie PM: We Banned Assault Weapons, So Can US
Ex Aussie PM: We Banned Assault Weapons, So Can US
john howard

Ex Aussie PM: We Banned Assault Weapons, So Can US

John Howard discusses how Australia did it, and the results

(Newser) - In the New York Times today, John Howard details how he, as then-prime minister of Australia, got an assault weapons ban passed after a massacre in which 35 people were killed with semiautomatic weapons. He doesn't want to "lecture" America on the matter, he writes, and acknowledges there...

Obama&#39;s 23 Executive Orders
 Obama's 23 Executive Orders 

Obama's 23 Executive Orders

Includes having the CDC research gun violence

(Newser) - So just what are the 23 executive orders President Obama signed today as part of his plan to curb gun violence? Dave Weigel at Slate runs them down, and here's a sampling from him and AP :
  • "Require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background

2nd Amendment: Remnant of Revolution or Pro-Slavery?

One writers say it was to protect freedom; another to protect slavery

(Newser) - The debate over gun laws brings renewed attention to the debate over the Second Amendment, with two very different takes today from the left and right:
  • Noble intent: Erick Erickson as RedState offers a history lesson. "On April 19, 1775, British regulars marched on Lexington and Concord to seize

Inside Obama's Gun-Control Plan

President to set out sweeping moves today, flanked by kids

(Newser) - When President Obama announces a sweeping gun control agenda today, he'll be joined by schoolchildren who wrote him letters after the Sandy Hook school shooting, reports the Washington Post . Among what he's expected to reveal at a press conference scheduled for just before noon: proposals including a ban...

New York State Passes Nation's Toughest Gun Law

It tightens rules on assault weapons, mentally ill

(Newser) - New York enacted the nation's toughest gun restrictions today and the first since the Connecticut school shooting, including an expanded assault-weapon ban and mandatory background checks for buying ammunition. Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the measure into law less than an hour after it won final passage in the...

Biden: 19 Ways Obama Can Go It Alone on Gun Control

GOP rep warns of impeachment if Obama opts for executive action

(Newser) - As the White House gears up for a battle over gun control, Joe Biden has presented 19 moves the administration could take on its own. Speaking to House Dems yesterday, he outlined an array of executive actions, including boosting enforcement of current laws, empowering the CDC to research guns, and...

Cuomo Moves to Beef Up NY Gun Laws
Cuomo Moves to
Beef Up NY Gun Laws

Cuomo Moves to Beef Up NY Gun Laws

Governor expected to unveil tough new measures today

(Newser) - New York's Democrat governor is aiming to make some of the country's toughest gun laws even tougher. In his State of the State address today, Andrew Cuomo is expected to outline gun control plans including new restrictions on assault weapons, lower limits on the capacity of magazines, and...

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