Esmin Green

2 Stories

Blood Clots Killed Woman in Waiting Room

Camera caught fallen patient left ignored on NYC hospital floor

(Newser) - The death of a woman on the floor of a Brooklyn hospital was caused by blood clots from extended inactivity, CNN reports. Chronic deep vein thrombosis formed clots in her legs that eventually reached her lungs. The case has drawn international attention after security-camera footage showed the woman falling to...

Family Wants $25M Over Hospital Death

Woman left to die on floor 'killed twice' by staff at NY facility

(Newser) - The family of the woman who died on the waiting-room floor in a Brooklyn hospital plans to sue for $25 million, CNN reports. Esmin Green’s relatives are also pushing for criminal charges against the hospital staff, who they say ignored her and falsified records to say she was up...

2 Stories