coup d'etat

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African Union Suspends Madagascar

Pressure mounts against coup government

(Newser) - International pressure is mounting against the new government of Madagascar, installed this week via coup, the BBC reports. The African Union has suspended the island nation’s membership, calling the takeover “unconstitutional,” and South Africa said it might impose sanctions. France likewise condemned the takeover, and the US...

Army Seizes Presidential Palace in Madagascar

(Newser) - Explosions rang out in Madagascar’s capital today, as the army stormed and easily captured the presidential palace at the center of the city. The building appeared deserted, according to an AP reporter, who saw armored vehicles roll through the normally ceremonial palace gates. One colonel said it wasn’t...

Leaders Fly to Guinea-Bissau to Prevent Coup

Assassination leaves power vacuum in African 'narco-state'

(Newser) - West African leaders are holding an emergency meeting in Guinea-Bissau today following the assassination of the country's president, reports the BBC. João Bernardo Vieira was killed a day after the chief of staff of the army, reputed to be a rival of Vieira's, died in a bomb blast. The...

President of Guinea-Bissau Assassinated

West African leader reportedly killed by army in a hail of bullets

(Newser) - The president of the West African republic of Guinea-Bissau was shot dead today, reportedly by soldiers. The Times of London reports that João Bernardo Vieira was assassinated only hours after the head of the army died in a bomb attack. While it's unclear whether a coup is taking place,...

For Chavez, the End Is Near
 For Chavez, the End Is Near 

For Chavez, the End Is Near

Referendum will keep him in power, but Venezuelan economy makes it 'irrelevant'

(Newser) - Hugo Chavez has a slight lead in tomorrow’s referendum that would allow him to extend his rule in Venezuela, but the realities of the country’s economy make the issue “mostly irrelevant,” Edward Schumacher-Matos writes in the Washington Post. No matter the outcome, his days are numbered....

Guinea Coup Chiefs Promise Elections

US, Europe condemn coup

(Newser) - Rebel army officers who led a revolt in the West African nation of Guinea will meet with foreign diplomats tomorrow to reassure the international community about their future plans, reports BBC. A military junta seized control hours after the death of despotic ruler Lansana Conte. The US, European Union and...

Chaos Reigns in Guinea as Coup Leaders Assert Power

Junior officers strengthen control over government

(Newser) - Junior military officers appointed their coup leader as president of Guinea, even as their superiors denied that the so-called putsch had succeeded. Coup leaders also postponed elections promised in 60 days and said they may have to remain in control for two years, leaving the West African nation teetering between...

Army Seizes Power After Guinea's Dictator Dies

Military suspends the constitution

(Newser) - Guinea's army has dissolved the African nation's government and seized power just hours after the death of its longtime dictatorial president, Lansana Conte. "As of today, the constitution is suspended, as well as political and union activity," said a military commander in a radio address. The capital...

Iraq Officials Busted in Coup Plot

Generals, old regime members arrested in Ministry of Interior sweep

(Newser) - Iraq has arrested up to 35 Ministry of the Interior officials over the last three days for their part in a plot to revive Saddam Hussein's Baath party, the New York Times reports. Some being held were in the early stages of planning a coup, say officials. Four generals were...

Thai Troops Prepare to Storm Airport

Government declares state of emergency

(Newser) - The Thai government has declared a state of emergency and is preparing to storm Bangkok's international airport, the Times of London reports. Officials are attempting to negotiate a peaceful solution with representatives of thousands of anti-government protesters who have occupied the city’s two airports since Tuesday—but 30 medical...

Coup Leader Takes Over Mauritania

New law confers presidential powers to head of military junta

(Newser) - The military junta that overthrew Mauritania's government last week adopted a law today transferring the power of the presidency to the head of the junta. A statement by the junta blames the deteriorating condition of daily life in Mauritania, the president's stonewalling of various government institutions, and his firing of...

Army Seizes Power in Mauritania
Army Seizes Power in Mauritania

Army Seizes Power in Mauritania

African nation's first democratically elected president captive

(Newser) - Soldiers in the West African nation of Mauritania mounted a coup d'etat today, arresting the president and prime minister and shutting down state radio and television, the Guardian reports. Troops entered the capital and apprehended Sidi Ould Cheikh Abdallahi, the country’s first democratically elected president, after he began taking...

Turkey Indicts 86 for Coup Plot
 Turkey Indicts 86 for Coup Plot 

Turkey Indicts 86 for Coup Plot

Secularists allegedly tried to overthrow Islamic government

(Newser) - Prosecutors today indicted 86 secular Turks—including high-ranking ex-military officials—on terrorism charges for their alleged involvement in plots to topple the Islamic-rooted government. The suspects, believed to include at least one former general and an opposition politician, are accused of having plotted to provoke a military coup to topple...

Tsvangirai Returns to Zimbabwe
Tsvangirai Returns to Zimbabwe

Tsvangirai Returns to Zimbabwe

Mugabe party official warns of coup if opposition wins run-off

(Newser) - Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai returned to Zimbabwe today to campaign for a run-off presidential vote June 27, the BBC reports. Rumors of an army assassination had delayed his return by a week. Meanwhile, a top official from the ruling Zanu-PF party warned of a coup if President Robert Mugabe doesn’...

Africa Crushes Comoros Coup
 Africa Crushes Comoros Coup 

Africa Crushes Comoros Coup

20th time unlucky for Indian Ocean rebels

(Newser) - The latest renegades to seize power in the Comoros Islands have been defeated, reports the Independent. Government and African Union troops regained control in an amphibious assault at sunrise yesterday. The island nation in the Indian Ocean has been rocked by more than 20 coups or coup attempts, many involving...

Deposed Thai PM Pleads Not Guilty to Graft

Crowds welcome Thaksin back from exile

(Newser) - Former Thai PM Thaksin Shinawatra pleaded not guilty to graft charges today in a Supreme Court packed with hundreds of his supporters, AFP reports. Thaksin will not have to attend every hearing in his trial; he has already obtained permission to return to Britain, where he owns a soccer team....

E. Timor Prez in Induced Coma After Shooting

Condition 'extremely serious' after failed coup attempt

(Newser) - East Timor's president has been placed in an induced coma after being shot early today by rebel soldiers in an apparent coup attempt, reports the BBC. The move is a bid to help Jose Ramos-Horta recover from "extremely serious injuries"; he was airlifted to Australia for emergency treatment after...

Party of Ousted Prime Minister Wins Thai Races

Polarizing figure booted in coup may return from exile

(Newser) - Deposed former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra is poised to return from exile now that the party supporting him won the most seats in parliament in today's elections, according to exit polls. It was unclear, however, whether the pro-Thaksin People Power party gained an absolute majority. If not, opposition parties...

Chavez Vision Roils Nation
Chavez Vision Roils Nation

Chavez Vision Roils Nation

Constitution overhaul expected to pass, would make him re-electable for life

(Newser) - Hugo Chavez's grasp on Venezuela is about to tighten as the country inches toward a virtual dictatorship and expanded socialism—a development that has support among the poor but is drawing dissent from economists and former army officials. An expected revision of the Constitution would drop the workday to six...

Ex-PM Puts Power-Sharing Deal At Risk
Ex-PM Puts Power-Sharing Deal At Risk

Ex-PM Puts Power-Sharing Deal At Risk

Leader deposed by Musharraf to return to Pakistan, fight election

(Newser) - As Benazir Bhutto prepares to return to Pakistan in a possible power-sharing arrangement with Pervez Musharraf, a second former PM is also heading back to the country to unseat the general. In an interview with the Financial Times, Nawaz Sharif says that he will mount a campaign in the middle...

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