Sue Myrick

2 Stories

GOPers Run 'Witch Hunt' for Muslim Spies
GOPers Run 
'Witch Hunt' for Muslim Spies
Glenn Greenwald

GOPers Run 'Witch Hunt' for Muslim Spies

Advocacy group tries to place Muslim interns in Congress. So?

(Newser) - Four House Republicans are using a document reprinted in a fringe book on a supposed conspiracy to “Islamize America” to call for an investigation into Muslim “spies” in Congress—spies in the form of interns in congressional offices, that is. How “repugnant” and crazy, writes Glenn Greenwald...

Bush Moves Quickly, Signs Bailout Bill Into Law

Reps who switched vote already spinning change for constituents

(Newser) - Less than 2 hours after the House passed the $700 billion bailout bill, President Bush signed it this afternoon. With a stroke of a pen, he set in motion $110 million in tax cuts and sent the legislators on both sides of the 263-171 vote home to explain themselves to...

2 Stories