Larry Kissell

2 Stories

NC Liberals Forging New Party Against 'Turncoat' Dems

LIttle difference between parties, say activists

(Newser) - It appears that Tea Party-like trouble is brewing for the Democrats. A group of North Carolina liberals and union leaders disgusted by incumbent Democrats' votes with Republicans against Obamacare are forming a new party. Supporters of the nascent third party, North Carolina First, are gathering signatures to officially launch a...

GOP Closes Wallet on NC Rep. Hayes
GOP Closes Wallet on NC Rep. Hayes

GOP Closes Wallet on NC Rep. Hayes

Remark that 'liberals hate real Americans' bites back in close race

(Newser) - Rep. Robin Hayes is still struggling to get out from under a comment he made last weekend that “liberals hate real Americans,” and the Republican National Committee has cancelled plans to help in a tight re-election fight with an ad buy in his North Carolina district, the Charlotte ...

2 Stories