David Koch

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Buffalo Beast Scott Walker Hoax: Fake Call From David Koch Impersonator Shows How Easily Rich Donors Get Access: Opinion Roundup
Wisconsin Phone Hoax Shows Rich Guys' Access
OPINION roundup

Wisconsin Phone Hoax Shows Rich Guys' Access

One defender: It also proves Scott Walker isn't best pals with Kochs

(Newser) - The phone call to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker from a gonzo journalist pretending to be GOP donor David Koch ( click for the story and audio) continues to reverberate on the left and right:
  • Michelle Malkin : "The tapes show a strong executive focused on his job. They also show

Fake 'Koch Brother' Dupes Scott Walker

Prankster calls up imitating powerful fundraiser

(Newser) - Scott Walker won’t take a call from the Democratic minority leader, but he’ll gladly make time for uber-fundraiser David Koch—or at least, someone he thinks is David Koch. Ian Murphy, editor of the Buffalo's Beast website, managed to get the Wisconsin governor on the phone in just...

Koch Brothers Have a Hand in Wisconsin Fight

Their activist group is on Gov. Scott Walker's side

(Newser) - The billionaire Koch brothers are said to have a hand in the Tea Party , the new Congress … why not the Wisconsin protests, too? Americans for Prosperity, a Koch-created and Koch-financed nonprofit, has a definite presence at the demonstrations, with the group’s president recently telling anti-union counterprotesters that the...

Koch Brothers Wield Influence in New Congress

Change in House Energy and Commerce Committee 'like night and day'

(Newser) - Billionaire brothers David and Charles Koch have been thrust into the spotlight as of late —and though they once ran outside the typical Washington political circles, their increasing influence is now becoming more clear. That influence is most obvious in the House Energy and Commerce Committee, to which Koch...

Koch Brothers Leap Into PR War

Brothers Charles and David step out of the shadows

(Newser) - Thrust into the spotlight after years of operating in the political shadows, Charles and David Koch are fighting back, Politico reports. They’ve hired a crack PR team that has worked with GOP heavy hitters like Sarah Palin and Arnold Schwarzenegger, and encouraged attendees of their uber-secret fundraising meeting to...

Protesters, Leave Those Rich Koch Brothers Alone

Editorial: Conservative pair is wrong, but they have rights, too

(Newser) - The protesters who rallied outside Charles and David Koch’s latest conservative pow-wow over the weekend were out of line, the LA Times argues in an editorial today. “We’re not sure the marchers were quite clear on the concepts of democracy and free speech,” the paper opines....

Hundreds Protest Outside Koch Brothers' Retreat

Demonstrators blast billionaire conservatives' 'corporate greed'

(Newser) - Nearly a thousand protesters rallied against two major conservative backers at a California resort yesterday, slamming “corporate greed” as they chanted and waved signs. The Rancho Las Palmas resort was the site of a meeting of top conservatives held by the Koch brothers, who run the country’s second-biggest...

Koch Bros, GOP Fatcats to Plot 2012 at Secret Huddle

Billionaires urging rich movers and shakers to join libertarian network

(Newser) - Billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch and their secretive network of wealthy Republican donors are planning a meeting first thing next year to forge their strategy for the 2012 elections. The bros—who finance libertarian causes and are accused of secretly funding the Tea Party movement , though David denies it...

Koch: I'm Not the Tea Party's Secret Sugar Daddy

David Koch refutes New Yorker profile

(Newser) - Jane Mayer’s New Yorker piece accusing David and Charles Koch of secretly funding the Tea Party and loads of other shadowy conservative groups has created lots of buzz, but David Koch says it’s all hogwash. “If what I and my brother believe in, and advocate for, is...

Billionaires Bankroll the Tea Party
 Bankroll the 
 Tea Party 
Frank Rich

Billionaires Bankroll the Tea Party

The Koch Brothers and Murdoch pay for 'populist' uprising

(Newser) - This weekend, "real" mad-as-hell Americans gathered in Washington to "reclaim" America. But, writes Frank Rich for the New York Times , there's something missing from this picture of leaderless populism: "The sugar daddies who are bankrolling it." Said daddies are none other than Rupert Murdoch and the...

The Koch Brothers: Secret Tea Party Financiers

For decades, the Kochs have manipulated US politics

(Newser) - The Tea Party may look like a grassroots movement, but follow the money and you’ll see that it’s largely a creation of David and Charles Koch, a pair of billionaires who for decades have been the biggest political force you’ve never heard of. In a huge, 10,...

Greenpeace Finds 'Kingpin of Climate Denial'

Little-known US oil company has spent $67M to foster doubt

(Newser) - A little-known private US oil company called Koch Industries has become the driving force behind the climate change denial industry, according to an investigative report from Greenpeace (full pdf here ). Koch funneled $25 million into groups opposed to climate change from 2005 to 2008—three times as much as...

Grass Roots or Astroturf? Protests Disrupt Town Halls

Dems come home to hecklers swinging at health care legislation

(Newser) - Many Democrats' August recess is off to a noisy start, as conservative dissenters flood town-hall meetings to protest health care legislation, the Boston Globe reports. Using tactics and questions prescribed online, hecklers do their best to disrupt the events, yelling questions and shouting out while videotaping the exchange. Republicans say...

Big Players Reel in Charity Spending

Drop-off in corporate giving leaves groups scrambling

(Newser) - Charities used to getting much of their money from major corporations and private foundations are feeling the economic downturn, the Wall Street Journal reports. Bill Gates’ foundation plans to give fewer grants next year, and other large donors are honoring existing pledges but refusing to make new ones. “You...

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