official language

2 Stories

Latvians on Making Russian Official: 'Nyet'

Voters overwhelmingly defeat measure to add second language

(Newser) - Latvians overwhelmingly rejected a proposal yesterday to make Russian a second official language there, along with Latvian, reports al-Jazeera . With voter turnout topping 69%, one of the highest ever seen for a referendum there, nearly 78% said "nope" to adding Russian. With one-third of Latvia's 2.1 million...

Nashville Rejects English-Only Law

English-only proposal defeated

(Newser) - Nashville voters last night defeated an attempt to make English the city's official language, the Tennessean reports. The measure, which would have forced the city council to conduct public business only in English, would have made Nashville the nation's largest city to do so. The referendum failed by a vote...

2 Stories