Maitre d'

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9 Craziest Celeb Dining Demands

Don't even think about putting purple on that plate

(Newser) - The Hollywood Reporter got the inside scoop on ridiculous celebrity dining demands from a few maitre d's. The only bad news? They didn't reveal just who made these crazy requests:
  • One supposedly vegan star didn't want it getting out that he was a meat-eater ... so he asked

Proposing? What Not to Do
 Proposing? What Not to Do 

Proposing? What Not to Do

Chefs dish on the pitfalls of proposing in a restaurant

(Newser) - Maître d’s obliged to play cupid warn that there are a surprising number of pitfalls when proposing at a restaurant. Swallowing the ring in the crème brûlée is a classic, and a surprising number of proposals are turned down, they tell Gourmet. Their best advice?...

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