Bernie Sanders

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Sanders: No More Medical Records Coming

Senator says he's shared as much 'as any other candidate'

(Newser) - After suffering a heart attack in October, Bernie Sanders vowed to release his full medical records because "the people do have a right to know about the health of ... somebody who's running for president." So much for that. On Tuesday, the winner of the New Hampshire primary...

Buttigieg's Iowa Lead Almost Gone After Recanvassing

Sanders is now just 0.04% behind

(Newser) - The Democratic National Convention begins on July 13—and by then, a clear winner from the Iowa caucuses may have emerged. After a recanvass, the Iowa Democratic Party released results from the Feb. 3 caucuses Tuesday that reduced Pete Buttigieg's narrow lead over Bernie Sanders in state delegate equivalents...

2020 Paradox: Biden Trends Down in Polls, but Odds Go Up

538: No single candidate has been able to grab momentum yet, good news for former VP

(Newser) - Now that the dust has settled on Iowa and New Hampshire, a flurry of new polls suggests that the news for Joe Biden isn't as bleak as some think, according to an analysis at FiveThirtyEight . The reason? "They're not showing that any candidate has grabbed a ton...

Bernie Gets New Boost From Ex-Rival
Bernie Gets
New Boost
From Ex-Rival

Bernie Gets New Boost From Ex-Rival

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio endorses Vermont senator for president

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders just got a high-profile endorsement from one of his former rivals for the Oval Office. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who dropped out of the presidential race himself in September, gave the Vermont senator the thumbs-up on Friday, which the New York Times notes is the...

Iowa Says Buttigieg Has Largest Delegate Count

Sanders campaign calls for recanvass

(Newser) - Pete Buttigieg won the Iowa caucuses, according to the state Democratic Party—but many news outlets are refusing to call a winner, citing errors and inconsistencies in the results. The Iowa Democratic Party said Sunday, almost a week after the caucuses, that Buttigieg would be awarded 14 of the state'...

Where We're at in Iowa: 71% of Results Are In

Buttigieg leads, with Sanders close behind

(Newser) - Better late than never: The Iowa Democratic Party has released more results from Monday night's Democratic caucuses. After technical glitches with a mobile app used for reporting the results, not much has changed from Tuesday afternoon's rankings, when 62% of precincts had been reported. Per the New York ...

Trump Talks 2020 Dems, Coronavirus With Hannity

He calls Bernie Sanders a 'communist'

(Newser) - President Trump spoke to Fox News host Sean Hannity in a pre-Super Bowl interview —and he didn't hold back from unloading on the Democratic White House hopefuls. The president described Joe Biden as "sleepy" and said Elizabeth Warren's platform was a "fairy tale," USA ...

John Kerry 'Categorically' Denies 2020 Rumors

He was overheard talking about Sanders 'taking down the Democratic Party'

(Newser) - John Kerry has angrily denied claims that he might be plotting to enter the Democratic race at the last minute. The former secretary of State, who was the party's 2004 nominee, spoke out after NBC reported that he had been overheard in an Iowa hotel talking about entering the...

Hillary Has More to Say About Bernie

Clinton says Sanders didn't unify the Democratic party after 2016 primary

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is not done talking about Bernie Sanders. The 2016 Democratic presidential nominee said in a podcast interview that aired Friday that Sanders didn't try to unify the party after losing the primary to her four years ago and that he and his supporters contributed to her loss...

Trump Made Telling Remark About Bernie

The president says he's glad Hillary Clinton didn't pick Sanders as a running mate

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton isn't exactly bursting with Bernie love—and for President Trump, that could be a bonus. In a recording of a private 2018 dinner, Trump says Clinton might have been harder to beat in 2016 if she had chosen Bernie Sanders as her running mate, Newsweek reports. "...

Iowa Has a New Front-Runner
Iowa Has a New Front-Runner

Iowa Has a New Front-Runner

Bernie Sanders holds a firm lead in new poll

(Newser) - With only nine days to go in Iowa, a New York Times /Siena College poll of likely caucusgoers has a new frontrunner—and he's no moderate. The survey of 1,689 registered Iowa voters puts Bernie Sanders in the lead at 25%, ahead of center-left hopefuls and a high-profile...

Clinton Walks Back Remarks on Sanders

'On a good day, my wife likes me,' he jokes

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has walked back her explosive remarks on former rival Bernie Sanders, clarifying that if the choice is between him and President Trump in November, she will support the Democratic nominee. Clinton faced a backlash Tuesday after she confirmed she had said "nobody likes" Sanders and wouldn't...

Hillary's Bombshell on Bernie: 'Nobody Likes Him'

Clinton's 'Hollywood Reporter' interview offers a scathing rebuke; plus, Sanders says sorry to Biden

(Newser) - If you were wondering why the hashtag #NobodyLikesHim was trending on Twitter on Tuesday, it's because the Hollywood Reporter dropped a big election-tied bomb. In a chat to promote the upcoming Hulu documentary Hillary, Hillary Clinton was asked to confirm that she said the following in the film about...

Biden: Sanders Campaign Is Circulating 'Doctored' Video

It's not actually doctored, but is taken out of context

(Newser) - Joe Biden has called for Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign to “disown” a video that some Sanders supporters say shows the former vice president endorsing Republican calls to cut Social Security and Medicare, the AP reports. “There’s a little doctored video going around ... put out by one of...

'I Think You Called Me a Liar on National TV'

Audio of Warren, Sanders clash released

(Newser) - The mystery of what Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren said to each other after she refused to shake his hand wasn't a mystery for long. CNN , which hosted the Democratic debate in Des Moines Tuesday night, managed to find audio of the post-debate exchange and released a recording Wednesday....

After Debate, Warren Appears to Snub Sanders&#39; Handshake
Sanders Offered Warren
a Handshake. She
Wasn't Having It

Sanders Offered Warren a Handshake. She Wasn't Having It

A tense exchange of words appeared to follow

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders appeared to have largely defused their conflict during the Democratic debate Tuesday night—until their microphones were off. Warren, who had accused Sanders of telling her in 2018 that a woman couldn't win the presidency, appeared to snub a handshake from Sanders as the...

Warren Says Sanders Told Her a Woman Couldn't Win

He says accusation is 'ludicrous'

(Newser) - The seventh Democratic primary debate is Tuesday night—and a lot of people will be watching for a clash between Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. After days of growing tension between the campaigns and multiple reports based on anonymous sources, Warren confirmed Monday night that Sanders had told her during...

This Week&#39;s Debate Will Be an All-White Affair
This Week's Debate:
Small and White

This Week's Debate: Small and White

No candidates of color make the cut in Iowa

(Newser) - The lineup for Tuesday's Democratic debate in Iowa is set, and this time it's a manageable list: Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, Tom Steyer, and Elizabeth Warren. Notice anything different from the previous debates? As NPR points out, this lineup lacks even one person of...

Warren: Sanders Is Sending Volunteers 'Out to Trash Me'

Leaked script describes her supporters as 'affluent'

(Newser) - After a long "nonaggression pact" between the campaigns of Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, the gloves might be starting to come off ahead of the Feb. 3 Iowa caucuses. Warren said Sunday that she is "disappointed" that the senator from Vermont has been "sending his volunteers...

A Big First for Bernie as Iowa Caucuses Loom

Sanders leads other candidates in new poll out of the Hawkeye State

(Newser) - When Bernie Sanders had a heart attack in October, whispers started that it was the beginning of the end of the Vermont senator's campaign for the Oval Office. Tell that to the people of Iowa, where Sanders, for the first time, took the lead there among all Democratic candidates...

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