Jeffrey Peek

2 Stories

Mega-Lender CIT Files Chapter 11

Bailed-out firm's move will cost government $2.3B

(Newser) - CIT Group, a major lender to small and medium-sized American businesses, filed for Chapter 11 today. The move means the government is most likely out the $2.3 billion in TARP bailout funds it put up last year. The "prepackaged" procedure is intended to allow CIT, which reported $71...

'Poor' TARP Wife Unmasked, Tarred, and Feathered

(Newser) - A snooty “confessions of bailout wife” piece has the web’s gossip-mongers in a frenzy, with New York magazine leading the way in divining the anonymous author’s identity. By process of elimination, Jessica Pressler determines, the woman behind the “eye-rolling details” of foregoing birthdays at Michelin-rated restaurants...

2 Stories